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  1. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    Well his fins are covered with spots. :mad: Man this is really irritating. Even if I ran to the store and got a QT tank wouldn't have to cycle? Or can I transfer water from my current tank in to the QT, and run it that way?
  2. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    What other vitamins are recommended for soaking for in. Right now I'm only using the Kents Garlic extreme. I'm putting together a large water charge for this weekend, and I did do a little vacuuming Sunday, but very little. Thanks - JSB.
  3. jsb

    AquaC skimmer question

    Sorry for the slow response. When I got home later. It was skimming like a champ. I guess I need to clean it more often like Yupi182 was saying. I clean the cup pretty often, but I don't open it up and give it a good cleaning very often. Looks like I nned to add that to my list. It's just...
  4. jsb

    Weekend project is about done. need to choose a finish

    Just a reminder bump! Thanks.
  5. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    I read Beth's article again. Well it's been 4 days, since they spots have dissappeared. I don't see any sign of ick on him. I'm hoping we're in the clear. He's still eating great. He seems to have taken on an attitude of this is my tank. My other fish don't bother him, he's a great...
  6. jsb

    how much live rock for a 75 gallon

    Originally Posted by swfishonly i was thinking of ordering it from this website cause my lfs sells it $8 a pound :eek: You've got to be kidding! Did you ask them if they sell any? I thought 5.99 a # was high at my LFS. Another method which I used was to buy a mix. I bought some LR, and some...
  7. jsb

    AquaC skimmer question

    Yep, I waited a week before I even started watching it. But the noise is there to stay. It took a sort while to get used to the sound. But now I have to have it to sleep, which sucks too. The wife was sick and I slept up stairs. I couldn't fall alseep. It's definitely a great investment...
  8. jsb

    really high calcium, help!!!

    When my Cal is high I use the Kent DHK buffer. It lowers my Ca, and raises my Alk. My parameters are around 420 Ca, and my Alk 10 or 11 dHK, and Ph is always 8.2
  9. jsb

    AquaC skimmer question

    That's what I was thinking too. From what I remember it has always made the same noise, but I never thought it was very loud. It's in my bed room and I hardly notice it anymore. As far as bubbles it comes and goes. It will produce for a while, and then stop, then produce more. Seems like a...
  10. jsb

    AquaC skimmer question

    I've had my AquaC for about a year and a half. I noticed the day before yesterday it wasn't skimming very well. I cleaned the cup and put it back in. It wasn't very full at all. Maybe an 1/8th of a inch full. Yesterday I came home to see if it was skimming. Still nothing. No bubbles again...
  11. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    I'm still garlic soaking the food real good. He ate good again tonight, and no sign of the spots again. But as soon as I think I'm in the clear I have another scare. So I'll still assume the worse for a few more days.
  12. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    Originally Posted by ophiura 1.020 is fatal to many invertebrates, and ineffective at warding off Ick. So it is, IMO, a no win situation. Okay. I'm glad I verified first. I hate LFS's. I never can listen to them. Can the spots come and go? He ate like a food monster last night. So maybe...
  13. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    Originally Posted by dhughesz28 Your FA look awesome, wish I had one. As soon as I get 2 damsels out of my tank, I’m getting a flame!! I don’t see any spots in the second pic. This may sound crazy but…..I have noticed that on fish with clear fins like the tail on most flame angles, that when...
  14. jsb

    Scarlet Hermit Crab

    I love my cleaner shrimp. It freaked me out the first time I saw him molt. He's become pretty large too. Take a look.
  15. jsb

    Weekend project is about done. need to choose a finish

    Originally Posted by Cayman Isl WoW!!! I had no idea they were gone!!! It was so long ago that I may have had them in photobucket and deleted them or something.... I'll zip them up and email them over.... give me a day or two to figure it out... Chris Awesome! I know it has been a while. I...
  16. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    I wasn't going to go crazy with it, but I read that 1.020 was still safe. Is that true? Right now it's 1.023. I fed him Garlic soaked food last night. Maybe that's helping. BTW, I'm still working on that pic. He's quick, and my camera isn't catching anything but blurs. Here we go. one with...
  17. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    Guess what guys...I just got home and I don't see any spots. There is something on his rear fin but I can't decide if it's a spot or not. So what does that mean. He's fighting the ick or what? I'll see if I can't snag a pic of him real quick.
  18. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    Dang it...Thanks for confirming my fear. I've read Beths thread. I tried it last time this happened, but they died. Unfortunately my QT was damaged by my little boy, and I haven't replaced it yet. Therefore, no I didn't QT him. Can't I catch a break for once. I guess for now I'll lower my...
  19. jsb

    Weekend project is about done. need to choose a finish

    Cayman Isl, or Moderator, I was just curious as to where the pictures went to this post. I bookmarked the thread so that I would have the instructions/pictures to build from when I was able to. Unfortunately, it has taken a while, but now the pictures seem to be missing(at least from my...