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  1. dragracer

    bear with my, my sump idea may be confusing. What do ya'll think?

    thats what I am thinking!! Thanks again so much for your help!!
  2. dragracer

    bear with my, my sump idea may be confusing. What do ya'll think?

    Ok Thanks! I like that idea better. I can just raise the acrylic tank I have now. Thanks again!
  3. dragracer

    bear with my, my sump idea may be confusing. What do ya'll think?

    Can't you click on that? this is the only option I get.
  4. dragracer

    bear with my, my sump idea may be confusing. What do ya'll think?

    not to scale..........that would take me all night to do!!!!
  5. dragracer

    bear with my, my sump idea may be confusing. What do ya'll think?

    grumble grumble grumble.................ok, thanks!!
  6. dragracer

    bear with my, my sump idea may be confusing. What do ya'll think?

    What about putting a Y in the line off my overflow? I know its been done a million times, but drilling terrifies me.
  7. dragracer

    bear with my, my sump idea may be confusing. What do ya'll think?

    Everything will be in the basement. I want to butt the Sea Reef up to the 29. The Skimmer has two outlets on it, I want to run them both into the fuge to feed it water. Hang on, I'll see if I am competent enough to draw a diagram.
  8. dragracer

    bear with my, my sump idea may be confusing. What do ya'll think?

    Ok, let me start with giving you all my set-up. 75 gallon, 80lbs LR,mostly fish, with a couple of mushroom corals and a leather coral. Lighting, two 175 10k MH's, one 150 10k mh, moonglows and two blue actinics. 2 inch sandbed. I have a small Sea Reef wetdry and an HOB Protein Skimmer...
  9. dragracer

    LTA eaten??

    I have had this guy for almost tow months and he has been doing great....growing, hosting, eating well. The thing was as healthy as could be, then two days ago I noticed it was getting smaller and closing more often....water tests showed great, no changes and then today completely closed up and...
  10. dragracer


    So a freind of mine is getting into the hobby big time and going all out no holds barred, money no object and his wife came to me because he is looking for some kind of "everything" controller" . sorry, those were her words.......lights, powerh heads, monitors levels and water level. ........any...
  11. dragracer

    What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?

    two tomatoe clowns- Ta and Mata Firefish- Filip LTA- alan Pencil Urchin-Spike.
  12. dragracer

    feeding a LTA

  13. dragracer

    feeding a LTA

    ok, I'll try that. But I have MORE than ample lighting, so you're saying feeding isn't necessary at all? I have two 175w 10k MH's one 150 w 15k and three 55w 50/50's actinics. Oh yeah, its a 75gallon tank
  14. dragracer

    feeding a LTA

    easy enough...thanks!
  15. dragracer

    feeding a LTA

    ok, so I have had a LTA for about a month now, but over the last three feedings, I have a Tomatoe clown that is really making this a chore. All of the sudden this little guy LOVES raw shrimp. Everytime I place any in the LTA, the fish plays tug of war with it over the shrimp and always...
  16. dragracer

    what kind of snail

    got me a large turbo snail, he's mowin it down right now
  17. dragracer

    what kind of snail

    So in three small spots in my tank I have these persistant patches of red slime algae of some sort. Any idea what I can get to gobble it up? Its a beautiful color too!
  18. dragracer


    I was able to snap a quick pic, but today after three weeks, Mata, one of my clowns(guess which kind, and the other ones name) was finally playing in my LTA. She is still a little slow to go back to it, but once she does she wallows in it for a long time. I thought I was the one that bought a...
  19. dragracer

    water change question

    thanks, you are all wintnesses to a "HA, I was right you were wrong!" All in good fun here though!
  20. dragracer

    water change question

    when you guys do your water you mix water with the same salinity or do you go with a smaller amount........some debate in my house going on about this.