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  1. submersible

    Beaslbob . . . .

    so bob is correct in recommending establishing "plant life"?
  2. submersible

    Beaslbob . . . .

    So the only thing a fuge is gonna do for me, is create a safe-haven for pods to populate and nothing else? I see tons of people recommend refugiums, but is that the only thing they're good for?
  3. submersible

    Coral Reef Special on the Discovery Channel?

    This might be a different show. I don't think they mentioned anything of the zebra mantis. Just ALOT of creatures feeding habits, and mating habits. Almost all of them are commonly kept in a reef aquarium. Just did a search on my tivo, for upcoming shows with the words coral(s)...
  4. submersible

    Coral Reef Special on the Discovery Channel?

    Heres a 13 meg. clip of the mantis. MOV00289.MPG A good reason why everyone should own a tivo. Just set up a wishlist to record any show containing the word "coral" or "reef" and then watch it whenever you get a chance.
  5. submersible

    Coral Reef Special on the Discovery Channel?

    Austrailia's Reef Warriors Aired Sat 12/27 9:00 am on Discovery Still got it saved on my tivo. There was no info at the end about ordering a copy. edit: was not in HD, but did have the mantis shrimp(killing a small crab, and shows the inside of its burrow), harlequin shrimp, saw-fish...
  6. submersible

    do u swim in your tank?

    Yeah, he's got a beautiful tank too. I wish I had a basement, or owned a house for that matter.
  7. submersible

    do u swim in your tank?

    Found this site about this guys shark/coral/fish/invert 1000g tank. He has videos of the sharks swimming, a cleaner wrasse cleaning a 5ft. green moray's mouth, a hawaiin dragon, and one of him in the tank w/ a shark. Sorry if its a repost or old news, just found it interesting...
  8. submersible

    125G All-Glass Tank For Sale

    Email me