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  1. bosox

    ph up...way up...why and what to do

    My PH is spiking up fast....why would that happen and what should i do to regain proper parameters? thanks, Nia
  2. bosox

    Sick Toadstool?

    Its right on the toadstool. The toadstool is large (about 8 inches across). Its patchy and the toad won't fully open. any help would be appreciated.:confused:
  3. bosox

    Sick Toadstool?

    My toadstool has yellow stuff on it....anyone got a clue what this is?
  4. bosox

    PH drop...what to do

    Hey, Igot one of those electronic PH testers and found my PH was too low...I added PH up and it went up to 8.25 but keeps dropping and is close to dropping below 8.0. What can I do to get the PH right. NIA
  5. bosox

    Cow sucking on toad

    got a problem here.....I got a toadstool today and he wants to open up but everytime he starts to come out my cow goes in and eats. what can i do? NIA
  6. bosox

    Percula getting beat up

    That would be a great idea....except I don't have a QT....any other ideas? NIA:help:
  7. bosox

    Percula getting beat up

    Hey, I have a Percula Clown that is getting pummeled by a Tomato Clown and need help on what I should do. The Tomato is relentless and has forced the Percula up to the top of the tank by the return for shelter. His mouth is all torn up and I don't think he can take much more. What should I do...
  8. bosox

    Angel in trouble

    Hi, My small Angel is near the front of the tank and breathing hard. He is hanging on the bottom and seems disorientated and awkward. He's not eating and its obvious something is wrong....what can i do? NIA
  9. bosox

    Quick help needed

    I moved from a 35 hex into a 75 rec....all went well except for the bubble anenome who seemed to be in trouble since the move...he was still attached to rock but never opened up and just didn't look good....yesterday he moved from one rock to another nearby....this morning i found him in the...
  10. bosox

    red algae on coral

    Hi, I will be moving my 35 hex tank into a 75 rectangle tommorrow. I have a polyp that has red algae on it in places and it won't seem to open in those spots....can I clean him off ? if so, how and with what? Big move comes tommorrow. my tank inhabitants will be tommorrow! Any...
  11. bosox

    Moving into another tank

    Hi, I'll be moving my 35 hex setup into a 75 rectangle sometime this week and was wondering what the best way of doing it was. How long should I wait? Should I use the 35 hex water at any point. I'll get live sand substrate and have lots of live rock and will be moving a yellow Tang, blue...
  12. bosox

    shrimp body alert

    My newly acquired blood red shrimp shed his body tonite.....what do i do with it? :confused: TAD
  13. bosox

    Available for immediate adoption! Clean me out!

    Hi Dave, I live in LBI NJ and would love to come get the 90 corner tank.....I'll call tommorrow. TAD
  14. bosox

    125G All-Glass Tank For Sale

    Email me.....I live in NJ and think we could come to an agreement on price. TAD
  15. bosox

    Green algae on glass

    Hey all, I have green algae growing on my glass and its very hard to remove. Any suggestions on the best way to get this stuff off? Also, is this a common occurence? I have a 35 hex with a SeaClone Protein skimmer, a mag 1800gph and a 4 tier 2 medium filter. The inhabitants are a Yellow Tang...
  16. bosox

    Need help

    Originally posted by Tagg Hi Bosox, What kind of anemone do you have? Tagg___ Bubbletip. I have a question.....seems my tank is not that clear today...kinda foggyish.....theres some stubborn green algae (I presume) on the glass and some waving red stuff on my live rock. I checked the ph and...
  17. bosox


    Very interested....where do you live?
  18. bosox

    Need help

    Got a coulple of questions.....the anenome seems to be making a comeback but is still a reddish color compared to the whitish color when I bought I feed him and if so..what? I bought the anenome for the clown but the anenome is so deep into the fiji coral type rock that theres no way...
  19. bosox

    Need help

    Thank you for the input. Being a novice, I will lean on you guys for all the info I can get and I will harbor no ill will if you blast me when I screw up. I'm looking into a bigger tank already......I really thought I'd keep the hex but I'm getting this itch for at least a 75 gal. I want a reef...
  20. bosox

    Need help

    Thank you for the quick reply. I have a 35 hex , about 25 pounds of live rock, live sand substrate, a SeaClone Protein skimmer, a hang on filter with a mag 1800 gph pump, a CustomSeaLife Power Comact?Moonlite with a 1-65 Watt 10,00K Prem. Daylite, 1-65 Watt Actinic and 2 moon lites. The...