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  1. shr00m

    Powerheads off when feeding?

    i turn mine off too, wait about 10 mins to turn them back on after feeding.
  2. shr00m

    Switching Back to CC

    the only good thing about CC is it gets coraline all over it and looks really cool, but if your constantly disturbing it it will never turn that color, thats whati meanby white is not natural, of course the sand is white.... because its constantly being moved by the OCEAN
  3. shr00m

    Switching Back to CC

    of course the sand is white because its constantly shifted around, and if you wanted it to be white you coudl have a clean up crew, if you feel like vacuuming all the time and constantly disturbing your substrate then i say crushed coral is for you.
  4. shr00m

    tank size

    you'll love the 75 because of the width, its the same lenght as a 55 only wider from front to back.
  5. shr00m

    Switching Back to CC

    there are many dsbs that have been successfully up and running for over 10 years, the people at (not a business) are very knowledgable about dsb, beleive me the choice between CC and DSB are NOT only for looks... a DSB will break nitrate down into nitrogen gas , which CC will NOT do...
  6. shr00m

    Has my tank already cylced?

    dont take it as a flame... there are MANY people who cycle tanks with l/r only. Yes there does need to be some nutrient in order for bacteria to spread from the l/r to the sand BUT, if you've added the proper amount of CURED l/r it isnt going to hurt to wait about 2 weeks and add a fish. there...
  7. shr00m

    Switching Back to CC

    the problems dont come in 5 or 6 months. they come in 2 or 3 years, sometimes sooner.... the CC will hold a whole lot of deitritus and the nitrate levels will begin to climb.... DSB coupled with about 1.5 lbs per gallon l/r is one of the easiest to maintain setups, imo
  8. shr00m

    Live rock or limestone?

    what type of filtration are you running? i personally would suggest keeping the l/r. the live rock is one of the best type of filters you can have. it also makes the ecosystem more diverse, but its really up to you, i hope your ready to do more frequent water changes and be skimming like crazy...
  9. shr00m

    Has my tank already cylced?

    you guys are RETARDED , all of you. if you've added l/r why in the heck are you going to add something that is going to make the tank spike so freaking bad that your going to kill most of the life on the rock.... there is a bio-load on the rock, you can easily cycle a tank with cured l/r, there...