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  1. photoman

    Spliting serpent star??

    I found a single "tentacle" alive in my tank. There is none missing from my serpent star. Where did this come from? Also......I have a bazillion baby snails now.....any remedy to get rid of these? :help:
  2. photoman

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow.......(whipes drool from chin). Holy fisheyes batman! That is amazing. Dont think I could have one that big in my house. WOW!
  3. photoman


    Is the Bamboo shark a swimmer or a "sleeper". Looking for a lively fish
  4. photoman


    Love the Great white idea Cubfan!!....lmao Does anyone have a pic of the bamboo shark? Is the Bamboo shark able to be kept in a aquarium?
  5. photoman


    Ok ok will kill my dream of a hammerhead as we speak (type) . Does anyone have any other ideas as to possible stock? I want something really beautiful that doesnt require a 2700 gal
  6. photoman


    No ideas?? Oh now come on surely someone has a good idea for :help:
  7. photoman

    Deep Sand Bead??

    I have a DSB and it has worked great for me.
  8. photoman


    I am 100% positive that it was a hammerhead. I even asked one of the staff. Unfortunately I didnt take a pic. It was about 10inches long. Does anyone have any pics of the sharks that was spoken of above? How big of a tank can you fit in a 12ft of space? My 30 is my "tame" tank so I am...
  9. photoman


    Well Its not my work office.....Its my office at home. I have about a 12 foot wall I can use for a tank. If a hammerhead wont work then what kind of shark do you suggest? The main reason I said hammerhead is I saw one in a tank in Panama City Beach. Tank wasnt that large (200-250gal) but...
  10. photoman


    Ok. Now I am finally moved into my house and have my 30 gallon set back up. My office is huge and I have room for a rather large tank now. My dream would be to have a large tank with a hammerhead. ......Is this possible? Where would you get one? What size tank would I need? Any input would...
  11. photoman

    green mandarin eating habits

    Well, I have a 29 gal saltwater tank with about 35 lb of Live rock. Had a HUGE pod population and he whiped them all in about 4 months. He ate some brine and such for a while but he died 2 days ago because of lack of pods and wouldnt eat anything once he got to a stage. I tried to get a pod...
  12. photoman


    Is it ok to put into the tank side. or just leave in the filter
  13. photoman


    Hello i was changing my filters and noticed several sponge like things on my bio pad......are these sponges and is it ok to put them in the tank or should i just leave them on the bio pad? Or are they even
  14. photoman

    green mandarin eating habits

    Sorry but unless you have a 100lb of LR your mandarin will die down the road. They will eat brine and such but it doesnt give them the right nutrients the need to survive. My advice wait till you get a bigger tank if you plan on putting him in the 10
  15. photoman


    I was changing my filter and i noticed that on my bio filter pad there was what appeared to be sponges?.......could this be true? If not then anyone have a idea what they could be? The are white in color and range in size from a nickel on down. Thanks, Chris:help:
  16. photoman


    What type of glue is best for attaching mushrooms and polyp's? Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!:jumping:
  17. photoman

    Feather Dusters

    DT's Phytoplankton works great!!:hilarious :cheer: :happyfish
  18. photoman

    stocking a 29 gallon....suggestions?

    i agree .........if you get the damsel's you will end up taking out your LR to get them me.
  19. photoman

    freshwater questions

    should we get a female betta?:rolleyes:
  20. photoman

    freshwater questions

    well my question is about a male betta....we have him in a bowl and he has made what appears to be a "bubble nest" this what it he wanting a mate? this normal?