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  1. atcone


    I started my reef three years ago with the ecosystem....Save your money for lights.... I had a mess ( algae) on my hands untill I added a skimmer. the mud is over rated in my opinion...I went to a regular gravel bed in the refugiun and macro algea same set up just, not alotof $ for the mud...
  2. atcone

    Cleaning Filter Socks

    I clean mine in the washer when the wifes not home, I put it on the small load setting hot water both wash and rinse and about a 1/2 cup of bleach NO SOAP!!!! sometime I rinse twice to make sure the bleach is gone. been using this method for two years they come out like new.
  3. atcone

    turbo snails

    tank is cycled about 2 months since. I have pulled on them and they don't want to budge, so there alive. It seems they are moving around at night. So I guess they are nocturnal. I had one in my refugium with lights on 24/7 never really moved much, turned lights off for a while he started moving...
  4. atcone

    turbo snails

    I just put 5 turbos in my 100 ga. a couple are just sitting in one spot for the last few days. Is this normal or are they dieing?
  5. atcone

    emerald crabs

    ok thanks got some ph 8.2 stuff i'll add tonight.
  6. atcone

    emerald crabs

    Not molted. one was being eaten(by brittlestar) the other I flushed down the toilet today.
  7. atcone

    emerald crabs

    Well my last of four emerald crabs died today. Got them from this site about a month ago. Got any Ideas why they bit the dust? My sg is 1.024 use ro/di water for top off. ph is about 8.0, no ammonia,nitrite,nitate. tank running about 8 weeks after cycle with live rock. I thought they ate...
  8. atcone

    my clean up crew is slowly dieing off

    No fish yet, but it's mostly my snail that are dieing I thought they eat algea, i got plenty of that.
  9. atcone

    my clean up crew is slowly dieing off

    my salinity is 1.023 I'll raise it up. also I went ahead and got a copper test before I saw last post. and of corse Thats not it. thanks for the salinity tip. I also checked alk it was high 3.5 so I'm gong to recheck ph too thanks for the help.
  10. atcone

    my clean up crew is slowly dieing off

    no power heads yet no other kind of shrimp.
  11. atcone

    my clean up crew is slowly dieing off

    No I haven't but I have plenty of algea around. what else should I feed them?
  12. atcone

    my clean up crew is slowly dieing off

    I purchased a clean up crew from 50-100 gal everthing was fine. two of five peppermint shrimp dissapeared soon after intaduction to the tank. lost a handfull of hermit crabs too. just chauked it up to strees from shipping. But now after about three weeks my astrea snails are...
  13. atcone

    I gat A worm

    I did a search on line for peanut worm and thats what it is. sounds harmless in fact it feeds on detrius. But will they muliply too much?
  14. atcone

    I gat A worm

    Are they a problem?
  15. atcone

    I gat A worm

    Kinda but I didn't notice any rings on the body,and it seemed fatter.
  16. atcone

    I gat A worm

    It is the color of peanut butter, but I thought they are small.
  17. atcone

    I gat A worm

    No, it looks smooth.
  18. atcone

    I gat A worm

    I have had the LR in the tank for about a month now and noticed a worm about 3" long. looks like a night crawler(without the band) but tan in color.there are a couple dead hermit crab shells nearby where I saw him. Any one now what it may be? I'll try to get a pic.
  19. atcone

    My fault-huge scratch in my acrylic tank...

    There is a repair kit available the can be used under water. I got mine from the LFS. It cost about $40.00 really steep for what you get. I have seen it on line for about half that. can't remember where though. Never really used it because it was too small for my job. You may have luck doing a...
  20. atcone

    Another noisy overflow HELP!!!

    I've been working on this for about a month now.I have a 100 my bedroom with all the equipment in basement. I'm using a ecosystem type refugium.I have tried the durso stand pipe. works for the overflow box noise inside tank, but the noise is from the water hitting the pvc on the way down...