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  1. c130bubba

    chocolate chip starfish

    They are a fine addition. They move fast and can be quite humerous when they lay on the top waiting to be fed. Just don't plan on adding any coral later with them in the tank.
  2. c130bubba

    Pencil Urchin Sperm?

  3. c130bubba

    Anyway to chemically destroy hair algae?

    I agree with eaglefan. Get some turbo snails. Any type. you can't have to many IMO. You will not believe the work they do! My 75 gallon has probably 40 snails of different types in it.
  4. c130bubba

    Shaving Brush Requirements

    Same for me. Won't try them again.
  5. c130bubba

    please help me with these questions

    I have had three flame scallops. Two died quickly but one has been doing well for about four months now. Keep in mind my tank is very established with lots of stuff for him to filter feed. I also supplement with Black powder and Marine Snow or some other types of phytoplankton. I am not sure...
  6. c130bubba

    Pencil Urchin Sperm?

    Any Comments at all? This was the freakiest thing I have ever seen in my tank(And I have seen some pretty weird stuff in there!).
  7. c130bubba

    Slipper Coral

    O.K. How about this? 75 gallon tank. 300 watts of light, all on timers. Wave Maker running three power heads. Dual Bak pak skimmer. Four inch sand bed. 75 pounds of live rock. Several types of soft coral (Colt, Pom Pom, Zoe, Ricordea). Many inverts (Scallops, porcelin crabs, gobs of...
  8. c130bubba

    Slipper Coral

    How many watts per gallon of water do you recommend for a slipper coral?
  9. c130bubba

    Pencil Urchin Sperm?

    Here is the picture
  10. c130bubba

    Pencil Urchin Sperm?

    Has anyone ever witnessed a pencil urchin fertilizing with sperm? I think I just witnessed that happening. The Urchin turned over and a white liguid began to squirt up in two spots. It transformed into a smoky fog and ran over the urchin. What do you think that was? Is that common? I have...
  11. c130bubba

    ID needed

    The picture shows it the size it is when it is open. anyone see any reason why I shouldn't try it in my reef tank without the hermit crab.:joy:
  12. c130bubba

    Bakpak 2R?

    I run a bak pac 2 with 1 preskimmer and bubble trap. seems to work great. No complaints from me. I have a huge bio load in my reef tank and everything runs fine
  13. c130bubba

    ID needed

    :rolleyes: come on folks; surely someone knows what this critter is!:jumping:
  14. c130bubba

    ID needed

    I found this washed up on shore in Emerald Isle, NC. It appears to be an anenome of some type. I would like to put it in my reef tank but would like to know what it is first. Anyone out there seen this before?:help: :D
  15. c130bubba

    Feeding Ricordia Polyps

    thanks jugger
  16. c130bubba

    Feeding Ricordia Polyps states they feed on light and current flow. Do they need anything else? They've got a mouth. Seems like they would want something more substantial:rolleyes:
  17. c130bubba


    I brought this anenome home on 12/27. His color is good. He is a flourescent green. His tentacles are full and sticky, but as you said he does meet one of the criteria - he won't plant. Today I got the pumps back on and was able to place him in a small PVC pipe that I got from the LFS that...
  18. c130bubba


    I still can't get this L/T Anenome to grab hold of anything. Where do they like to be placed? Sand or Rock?:scared:
  19. c130bubba


    I hate to sound really stupid here but exactly what kind of plant life are you referring to that will reduce the nitrates. Are you talking about algae or some other kind of plant life like the barbers brush I bought from that died in 2 weeks. I would like to add some live plants but I...
  20. c130bubba

    The ultimate filter

    My eheim is of the canister variety. It is a 2217 to be exact. So the water level remains constant with it running. What i am looking for here is if someone with more experience than myself with mechanical filtration could suggest a better medium to put in the canister or maybe just tell me I...