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  1. c130bubba


    For the last 18 hours my configuration has been; Power heads off Canister filter off Protein skimmer on The anenome is full and it is not moving around. It seems happy but when a pump is turned on it floats away
  2. c130bubba


    I bought my first long tent. anenome a few days ago. He is doing well and is eating. I was wondering how long it will take for he establishes his foot and I can turn my pumps back on. I am only running my protein skimmer at this time and I feel I need to gert my eheim back on but the water...
  3. c130bubba

    The ultimate filter

    I would like to know what your idea of the ultimate mechanical filter is. I am in the process of establishing a reef tank. I have a 75 gallon with a 4" sand bed. I have about 50 lbs of live rock and will be adding another 25-50 lbs later this month. I currently have a CPR backpack 2 skimmer...
  4. c130bubba

    How soon to get corals?

    thanks. We will try that:jumping:
  5. c130bubba

    How soon to get corals?

    We bought the tank used in October last year. We recycled it and added the sand bed and doubled the LR.
  6. c130bubba

    How soon to get corals?

    How much time should you wait to get a coral? Are others better than some? My son is asking for a coral to add to his tank. He has a 75 Gallon with about 50lbs of live rock with a 4" sand bed. He has 300 watts of lighting and reef friendly inhabitants. :notsure:
  7. c130bubba

    Stuff for sale in Atlanta area

    How much live rock and what are you asking for it? Describe how old it is, color of algae, etc. Also, where in Atlanta are you?
  8. c130bubba

    Hair algea?

    Do I dare say you could get some CC star fish. Mine stripped all hair algae in about one week!:D
  9. c130bubba

    Blue Head Wrasse

    Hello Anyone want to run with this one?:jumping:
  10. c130bubba

    Live Rock and Curing Requirements states "the live rock we offer does not need to be further cured." Does any one have an opinion on this? I want to add about 25 lbs to my existing 50 lbs in my 75 gallon.
  11. c130bubba

    How do you feed a starfish

    when you see them at the top with their legs streched out into the tank that is a good time to feed them. You will eventually train them into going there to get food. I give mine algae as well as small pieces of shrimp when I feed the anenome. I have three in my 75 gallon and they have never...
  12. c130bubba

    Blue Head Wrasse

    Has anyone been able to put a Blue Head Wrasse with a Coral Banded Shrimp? How about with Corals? has some for sale and I always wanted one.:notsure: :nervous: :help:
  13. c130bubba

    Alkalinity and Calcium levels

    OK so should I keep adding the calcium to get the calcium up and will that bring the alk down or do I need to do something else? What about the cloudy water?
  14. c130bubba

    Alkalinity and Calcium levels

    OK. Back to my original question. My Alk is 6.5meg/l and my calcium is showing 325. I added calcium and the tank turned cloudy. Is this normal. Is 6.5 too high? I understand it will go down as the calcium goes up:thinking:
  15. c130bubba

    Alkalinity and Calcium levels

    And oh by the way - This morning after adding the calcium my tank is very cloudy. Is this normal? :nervous: :notsure: :confused: :eek:
  16. c130bubba

    Alkalinity and Calcium levels

    I just did a test on alkalinity and got a reading of 6.5. Is that too high? How do I get it down if it is. The calcium level showed 325. I added some calcium to raise it up. My tank is only live rock with some inverts and a few fish. I want to get to a reef tank quality soon. Any...
  17. c130bubba

    Alkalinity and Calcium levels

    I just did a test on alkalinity and got a reading of 6.5. Is that too high? How do I get it down if it is. The calcium level showed 325. I added some calcium to raise it up. My tank is only live rock with some inverts and a few fish. I want to get to a reef tank quality soon. Any...
  18. c130bubba

    Skinny Dragonett

    My mandarin dragonett arrived skinny. I assumed he would eat in the live rock. The website says they eat microfauna. He appears to be picking at stuff on and around the live rockbut he isn't getting fatter. My question is; What is microfauna and how do I know if I have any?:help:
  19. c130bubba

    Missing CBS

    Is the brown as aggressive as the green?:notsure:
  20. c130bubba

    Missing CBS

    What's up with that? website doesn't say anything about that. I sure wouldn't have purchased this starfish had I known about it's appetite. You mentioned your green serpent. Mine is brown and looks just like the leopard but has a solid brown body. Are we talking about the same critter?