Search results

  1. hardasaroc

    white ribbon eel

    i got a white ribbon eel just the other day and ive heard that is is hard to get them to eat but i got some live ghost shrimp and pored them in and he would swim over them and try to catch them bbut he just couldnt bc they would pop away. So i got a few and squished them so they were half dead...
  2. hardasaroc

    lighting for 30G

    i was wondering if 200 watts is good for a 30G long tank. Thanks
  3. hardasaroc

    ? about lighting and fish

    thanks for all the advice.. I dont think i want to do a reef but im not sure.. Would an juvenile emperor live ok for a little while? What is a reasonable tank size for an or butterfly tank? Thanks Again, Aaron
  4. hardasaroc

    ? about lighting and fish

    im thinking about setting up my 30 again and i was wondering what would be good for a fish only tank? Also what would be good for lighting? The fish that i was thinking were:Butterflies, angels or basicly anything with cool colors or good personalities. Thanks aaron
  5. hardasaroc

    live stock for sale in FL

    i have 2 colored anglers one is about 5inches and the other is about 7 $40 each OBO also i have an octopus for $50. Pick up only in FL. Pictures comin soon Thanks aaron
  6. hardasaroc

    prop tank

    what all do you have to do to set up a prop tank? Aslo how much does it cost? Thanks aaron
  7. hardasaroc

    have a shark question......

    theres so many blacktips were i live its rediculous. people just kill them for fun so in a way im doin him a favor.
  8. hardasaroc

    have a shark question......

    the tank is 5' long and you can tell that his nose is starting to heal up some. i caught him so if he dies i didnt waste my money on him.
  9. hardasaroc

    have a shark question......

    jeez people he fine whats the big deal. his nose is kinda scratched up but other than that hes ok ive had him for about 2 months and hes eatin and gettin along great with the moray. im tryin to get my friends camera but he wont let me so ill keep trying. P.S. why are all yall hatin on a poor...
  10. hardasaroc

    have a shark question......

    yea whats the big deal hes only 2 feet and a vicious eater ill get pics up A.S.A.P. P.S. its only him and a 3 feet green moray.
  11. hardasaroc

    have a shark question......

    well i have a black tip in my 75 hes about 20 Inches i caught him on the beach.
  12. hardasaroc

    predator#1 look here

    yea it is and sandman12 and asbury030 told me you changed your name bc everyone was yellin at you on cartman101 we dont want liers on this board.
  13. hardasaroc

    What's your favorite line from a movie?

    "GET-R-DONE" blue coler comedy
  14. hardasaroc

    predator#1 look here

    thats weird bc your profile is the exact same as cartman101.
  15. hardasaroc

    predator#1 look here

    how is this confuseing its a yes or no answer.
  16. hardasaroc

    predator#1 look here

    arnt you cartman101????
  17. hardasaroc

    im leavin

    every thing sold and i changed my mine and got a better setup for cheap at my local LFs.
  18. hardasaroc

    im leavin

    it will not let me send my email but i paid $45 resently so i would like $40. where are you located?
  19. hardasaroc

    im leavin

    the light fixture is 20.5 inches long.
  20. hardasaroc

    im leavin

    the is $25 shipped. The rock is florida and some rock the the local store had im not sure waht kind theres about 20-25lbs and 30lbs of aragonite live sand mixed with another type witch im sure of either.