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  1. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Originally Posted by satcmofish I am VERY interested in the tank and stand. could you email me a price and demensions? I live in Ashburn,VA Well the price for the whole setup was listed earlier at $4500. The dimensions of the display tank are 60x24x25 drilled The...
  2. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Originally Posted by GPCRalph Hello, I would be interested in the whole set-up but would not be able to get it until June. Let me know if that is a possibility for you. Also, how far away are you from Richmond? That is a nice system. Rafael Ralph that is a definite...
  3. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Originally Posted by donald wow a shame to see such a nice tank torn down. Well the hope is that the entire tank will go to a good home.
  4. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Yep it's on wheels. Each wheel is rated for 1000 pounds and it has 6. When I do a water change once I take out the water I'm going to remove for the change I can move it and check all the equipment and fittings in the back. Works great. Too heavy to move before removing some water plus you...
  5. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Originally Posted by GRabbitt That's a beautiful tank... You must be sad to see it go. Thanks, I'll miss it. It was great fun setting it up and I can't say enough good things about Squidd for helping me figure out what I needed in the DIY forum. I've really enjoyed watching the tank mature and...
  6. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Why leave the hobby with such a beautiful tank? Thanks for the kudos on the tank. It is a great setup. Life is just getting way to busy with all my hobbies to keep up. That and we're starting the process of building a house and I need to simplify to be able to...
  7. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    I'll consider it if I can sell the tank. Until then I need both to keep it up & running :-) I'll keep you in mind if I get any reasonable offers on the tank
  8. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Pics of some of the livestock
  9. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Pics of the cabinet and tank
  10. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    Additional Pics of the equipment
  11. tree

    150G full reef setup Free Stand VA/DC/MD

    I am leaving the hobby and need to sell all of my aquarium stuff. Squidd helped me figure out everything I need. I would like to sell it all together but I will break out livestock, rock, and corals if someone only wants the tank and stand. Here is what I have: Tank & Equipment [hr] * 150...
  12. tree

    added water at last but got the flush

    google durso or stockman standpipes. They help with the flushing
  13. tree

    Oyster shells

    I got mine from a store called Southern States Cooperative. Don't know if they are in GA though.
  14. tree

    how do you age tanks?

    My 55 had a sticker on the bottom that had it. At one point. Eventually it was no longer readable. My 150 had it written in marker on one of the sides so cleaning obviously removed that.
  15. tree

    Questions on Closed Loop

    Oh yeah, a sump is not needed for a CL.
  16. tree

    Questions on Closed Loop

    A closed loop takes water from the main display and then pumps it back into the main display. The point Acrylic51 was making is that by going over the top you would have the same problems as some overflows. Most pumps have to have water in the pipes to work. This keeps the pump primed. You...
  17. tree

    Gothic Decor

    You can also try here: The second one is between gothic & tudor but you said you were looking for pictures of living rooms
  18. tree

    Chiller for a 90 gal

    I have an Arctica Chiller & it works great. It does put out quite a bit of heat on it's own, but the noise level was a lot less than I expected. The fans on my MH unit are louder than the chiller.
  19. tree

    sump setup help

    The line from your pump going back into the display tank should also be at the waterline or at least go over the top of the tank. Then a hole drilled just below the waterline mark would keep you from overflowing your sump if you have a power outage. There are lots of good sump designs on here...
  20. tree

    ball valve/drainage help.... quick question

    slowing the pump with the ball valve will put more strain on your pump, but it will likely not kill it. Do you have a durso or stockman standpipe on your overflow? If not that might help with the noise for when you have the ball valve opened up.