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  1. roy123

    marine algae??

    If I want to have those beautiful marine aglae, a metal halide light and proper nutrients are crucial factors? Thanks to any opinions :help: :help:
  2. roy123


    Thankz too all you guys
  3. roy123


    when you mention aerating is that means expose the water to oxygen? I have left my bucket lid open for quiet sometime b4 mixing the salt...if the problem caused by CO2; is adding a ozonizer will help?? what about an air pump??? Thanks
  4. roy123


    I have been struggling to raise my ph for the past few weeks... my ph is so low that almost to an unacceptable point, today it even drop to 7.6..... usually it around 7.8 I have used the Kent marine buffer every other day and useless; I have performed weekly water change then recently three day...
  5. roy123

    hey,just a quick price question!

    mine 46g costed 2.5k for up and running with corals....
  6. roy123

    Ph question.

    Thanks for your valueble opinions... I use instance ocean salt and RO water... I believe everything I use is proper.... I will try to airing the room, Thanks
  7. roy123

    Ph question.

    Hi, I have a ph problem that bothers me for a while. It's been couple weeks now that I am struggling to keep my ph up but fail. my ph level now are 7.75~7.8. I have use buffers every other day for a week now, the ph level rise a little right after I pour the chemical to the tank, but few minutes...
  8. roy123

    energy cost

    I just wondering how much do you guys pay for electricity each month when you running two 175w mh lamp for each day? cus 350w sounds a lot to, there should be additional vho actinic blue bulbs... those burn lots of energy too.... Poor guy
  9. roy123

    about this site

    what happen to are they stop taking orders? it's been like this for a week already:help: :help:
  10. roy123

    Power HEad Question

    well... you can go to radio shack or some other electrical store to buy a small swith.... those ususally see from table lamps... and install it in the electric cord whichever the part is easier for you to reach... so you can turn it off with out unplugging it