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  1. williamat

    a dumb question

    put them on the edge of the tank and then just push them in:hilarious
  2. williamat

    Selling My Tank And Everything In It. Fast !

    how much 4 everything?
  3. williamat

    lr question

    thank everyone
  4. williamat

    lr question

    :confused: I was wondering how long before lr shows signs of life Ihave mine for 2 weeks
  5. williamat

    Brown spots

    thankyou that helps greatly
  6. williamat

    Brown spots

    I have brown spots on the sides of my tank and on the bottom, the tank is a 10 gal and is 3 weeks old 1- damsel, 4.5 # of live rock ph-8.0,ammonia-0,nitrite-0,nitrate-10 biowheel filter-corallife 28 watt lite I would like to know what this is and is it dangerous thankyou Bill
  7. williamat

    ph problem,nano cube

    you might want to buy some 8.2 ph modifier