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  1. deblin2

    Moving tank

    Yes but I thought as long as I left some water in the tank it would be ok. It will won't it?
  2. deblin2

    Moving tank

    I do have live rock ,but no corals so I don't really have to worry about lighting. It won't be for very long. Thank you. I feel better about it.
  3. deblin2

    Moving tank

    I am getting new flooring under my aquarium. What is the best way to keep my fish alive. I have a bicolored Angel and clown fish. I thought about getting a new large trashcan and putting the water, rocks, and fish in it. Then the 60 gallon aquarium should be light enough to move. I was going to...
  4. deblin2

    Nitrates too high

    I have a 60 gallon salt water tank that ran successfully for years. Then my mother got Alzheimer's and I just didn't have time to take care of it anymore. I lost my fish, the water was out of it. I had at least 40 lbs of live sand in it and more live rock than could be weighed. I know the live...
  5. deblin2

    seahorse feeding stations

    I just used a seashell and put a plant close by for them to hitch on while they ate.
  6. deblin2


    Well, I never got an answer so I did a very large water change. Almost all of the water. The nitrates are now under control although I don't know what will happen when I put something alive in there. I know. Now I will get an answer saying that I totally messed up. Nothing new - I usally...
  7. deblin2


    There are no live animals in the tank so I am free to make any kind of changes.
  8. deblin2


    I have a 25 gallon eclipse. It has always had a little problem with nitrates. I had about 1 1/2 " sand bed and about 20 lbs of live rock. I had huge fireworms come from some live rock I had added. They were about 8" long and about the size of the end of my pinky finger. I killed them by...
  9. deblin2

    mandrine blenny compatable

    Is there any way that a lawnmower blenny could hurt my manderine? I have a manderine that has done very well for several years and I don't want to take any chances with it. Is there a problem for food sources? My problem is that I really need to move a lawnmower blenny from one tank to the...
  10. deblin2

    what happened?

    Thank you. That is what confused me. I did test the water when things started going bad. It tested out great. I didn't see any signs of disease either though. My tank has always done really weird things.
  11. deblin2

    what happened?

    What happens if you add too many fish? --I know they die, but do they die down until you have the right number of fish or do they continue to die off until all of them are gone. Does the water always have an ammonia spike or can the Ammonia be 0, Nitirite- 0, Nitrate-0? If the water test out...
  12. deblin2

    Next fish?

    Can I add a mate for my clown? My lfs told me he would kill it. He lost his mate and I had wanted to replace it. If I got a baby would it work? Those are some nice choices. Thank you.
  13. deblin2

    Next fish?

    I have a 38 gallon tank with a coral beauty angel, a flame hawkfish, and a percula clown. I would like to add something else, but I am not sure what to add. I would like something that is colorful and active if possible. I don't want something that is so small it will be bullied by the...
  14. deblin2

    Help FSHHUB & Boomer5

    Thanks for the advice. That sounds like a good idea. I really needed to put my clown back in so I did that. He is so tough though that it may not bother him. It is strange. This aqarium has been doing strange things for four years now. It has to get straightened out some day. Thanks again.
  15. deblin2

    Anyone near a TV ?

    We heard the sound. Some people thought it was an earthquake. I wasn't up yet so I just heard the loud boom. Didn't know what it was at the time.
  16. deblin2

    Help FSHHUB & Boomer5

    I guess noone knows huh. Oh well. Maybe I will luck out for once and do the right thing. It would probably be the first time though. Thanks anyway.
  17. deblin2

    Help FSHHUB & Boomer5

    Water has cleared. Does that mean it is safe for fish?
  18. deblin2

    Help FSHHUB & Boomer5

    You probably don't remember, but you helped me through the process of getting my tank stabalized. That is where taking off the filters came in. That and several other things did stabalize my tank and make it quit cycling over and over again. After that my readings for ammonia nitrite and...
  19. deblin2

    Help FSHHUB & Boomer5

    I never did get an answer to my original question. Do I do a large water change say as close to 100 percent as I can to get rid of anything that might be polluting my water?
  20. deblin2

    Help FSHHUB & Boomer5

    The problem with the powerhead just happened. I really thought that might be what caused the problem. It is probably about 2 inches. I have always had some algea. The diatoms were always there off and on and I had the red slime algea. The algea is almost gone, but I have not been turning on...