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  1. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    You got me this far. You aren't going to leave me now are you?
  2. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    I do understand about the water changes and about adding the fish. I have cleaned the skilter (not in vinegar though) except for the sponge that hangs on the air tube. I have to clean the cup quite often. Sometimes twice a week. What is that sponge for anyway. It just sits in the aquarium. It...
  3. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    The first thing you said do was to remove the sponge from the aquaclear filter. I did that so the sponge filter is gone. I left the carbon in that filter. Then you said since all I had in the canister was carbon that I could go ahead and remove that too. So that is also gone. You didn't...
  4. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    You are not going to believe this because I didn't. I tested my water tonight and ammonia was 0, nitrite was 0, and nitrate was 60. This is totally crazy. I had at least a couple of more weeks for the cycle to finish. Especially with what all I did to the tank. I could tell the fish were...
  5. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    I am so thankful to have someone guiding me through this. The air pumps are gone now. I also took the canister filter off. On the millinium do I take out the plastic cartridge that is in back of the carbon when I use it for water circulation? I have it out right now and it is just...
  6. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    I just added two power heads. Where do I need to put them in the tank. Right now I have one on each side close to the top. Do they go right up at the top or a little bit down like I have them, or does one need to be at the bottom? I have also started removing filteration.
  7. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    I use Instant Ocean salt. It is supposed to be good. Our tap water is on the hard side of average if that makes sense, but I run it all through a tap water purifier that says complete deionization of water and that it removes all impurities and it list everything imaginable. It is supposed...
  8. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    I don't have that much live rock. I bought it piece by piece so I am not exactly sure. I would estimate about 35 - 38 lbs. Would I still need to take off some of the filtration and at what point do I do that? I am in the middle of another cycle at this point. If I do take off some of the...
  9. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    I have really just started doing those things in the last four months. Before that I was really too afraid to do too much. I was recently told that it was good to change out the carbon in your filters so I started that. That has also been in the last four months. I can get the tank...
  10. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    I have 2 percula clowns and 1 dottyback right now. I have done a 6 gallon water change every week for about the last four months. During that time I changed my filter media in a different filter each week so each of them were changed about every 3rd week. If one seemed to be clogged I changed...
  11. deblin2

    Ammonia spike

    I set up my tank in the spring of 98. I have really had nothing but problems. I finally got the ammonia and nitrite down to zero, but the nitrate level was off the scale. Every once in awhile I would have an ammonia spike and the tank recyled. All of the critters in the live rock and live...
  12. deblin2

    Incase of power outage? what do u do?

    The advice I received from this board a long time ago for long power outages was to replace the filter media in my filters when the power came back on. I haven't lost any fish since. I do put a battery operated air pump in for my fish.
  13. deblin2

    frozen "brime" & "mysis" shrimp????

    We discussed the seahorses you were getting and I was curious about how it turned out. Do you still have them? If not how long did they live?
  14. deblin2

    clowns? & How many?

    Thank all of you for your help. I will definitely not add any clowns. If I added an angel now, what other fish could I add later since I would be allowed two more? My clowns are definitely a mated pair. They fight and make up like most couples.
  15. deblin2

    clowns? & How many?

    Thank you for your advice. My dottyback did kill a firefish so you are probably right that I have to be very careful. I was afraid that I couldn't add any more clowns. They have been a pair for a long time. I will look into the angels. They do have a different enough color and shape and are...
  16. deblin2

    clowns? & How many?

    I have two percula clowns that I have had for a long time. Can I add any more or will there be a problem. Also I would like to know how many small (say 3 inch fish) can I have in a 38 gallon aquarium with live sand and rock. I have a protein skimmer, a small canister filter, a millennium 2000...
  17. deblin2

    old tank still in trouble

    I do use tap water, but I run it through a tap water purifier made for aquariums. The water test out fine. I think I messed up this time by cleaning the rock, but everything looked so bad and the water smelled really bad. I did stop doing water changes and the water has tested out better...
  18. deblin2

    old tank still in trouble

    I have a 38 gallon tank with 40 lbs. of live sand and about 30 lbs of live rock. I have a millennion 2000 filter, a small hangon canister filter that I finally took the carbon out of and used one of those paper filters that cleans the water, and an Aquaclear 200that uses carbon and a sponge and...
  19. deblin2

    Any tips? I want a PEACEFUL tank.

    My tank is completely peaceful. I have two clowns, a purple firefish, a flame hawk (very interesting), dottyback, and a manderine. I never have any problems with any of them. I have also had a lemonpeel angel and it never caused any problems.
  20. deblin2

    frozen "brime" & "mysis" shrimp????

    It is a store called Pet Land. It is in a little shopping center on Broadway. It is across the road from Broadway Mall. If there is something special that you need they will even order it for you. I used to get that food there when I had dwraf seahorses (which I lost during a power outage)...