Search results

  1. mwest10

    Hair Algea eating fish???

    My husband put two emerald crabs into our 55 gallon tank and they did well for about a month until my son was watching the fish tank and yelled that the crabs were eating his bubbles fish (small yellow tang) I ran to the fish tank to see that the emeralds had pinned the tang between my live rock...
  2. mwest10

    Sick Tomini Surgeon

    Kent Rx-P was used in my 55 gallon tank when my clown fish had an outbrake of ick. I didn't have a QT at the time. I really don't think that it helped at all!!! My clown died and during the time of the treatment it seemed as though I had some snails that died as well so I really wondered how...
  3. mwest10

    My first order at

    I acclimated the linkia using the drip method as described on the website. I left the starfish in the newly bought bucket for between 3 1/2 to 4 hours just to be on the safe side. When it was time to release him, I got a bowl and placed it gently beside it when the star came close I gently...
  4. mwest10

    My first order at

    Well Sunday I ordered: 1 orange linkia star (that I had been wanting for about 6-mths) (DIED) 10 blue leg hermits 2 ricordia polps 3 sand sifting crabs (ONE DOA) 5 brushy ? plants (I need to look the name back up) (THREE LOOKING BAD) 1 cleaner shrimp Well my order shipped out Tuesday and I...
  5. mwest10

    nitrate levels

    help someone please!!! I've had my 55 gall. setup about 8-9 mths, with live rock. I have 2 damsels, 1 scooter blenny, 2 peppermint shrimp, a sand star, 2 scarlet hermits and about 12 to 15 snails. For the past two months I've had high nitrates and can't seem to get them down. I do weekly...