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  1. mickeyd

    duncan coral

    I just bought a duncan coral. This is my first Coral. What are the acclimation times for coral.
  2. mickeyd

    duncan coral

    what is the acclamation time. I am just getting into the coral.
  3. mickeyd

    big eyed fish

    this fish keeps getting this big eye thing. He has been with me for 3 years. Off and on... he gets it it goes. He seems ok while he has it. The other fish are fine what should I do.
  4. mickeyd

    big eye clown fish

    I will get that for you. Someone else at the fish store asked me but I didn't have the number. thanks
  5. mickeyd

    I want new fish

    Everytime I bring in new fish they die with in at least 3 weeks. My other fish have been with me for at least 3 years. Anemones live, snails, urchins, crabs all live. Not fish Water is fine.
  6. mickeyd

    big eye clown fish

    This fish has been with me for 3 years. Keep getting big eyes but then they go away then they come back. He eats and seems fine. What is this It doesn't bother the other fish Should I be concerned
  7. mickeyd


    my clown fish keeps getting the "BIG EYE" been with me for over a year. It comes and goes. What is that about
  8. mickeyd


    What size for a 125 gallon tank. It comes with a protein skimmer. I need a pump right. Where should I get all this. good price. ---- or look around.
  9. mickeyd


    i think sump don't know. Just remember him mentioning plants instead of balls i bought a 125 gallon filter wanted a filter but now don't know which is best mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. mickeyd


    I purchased a 125 gallon tank. A man mentioned a flter he said the name of this filter but i didn't understand the name. Think I did hear the word sump. He said something like plants instead of balls. hope this helps
  11. mickeyd


    I think sump i really don't know someone mentioned it to me because i just got a 125 gallon tank. looking for filter
  12. mickeyd


    what is the name of the filter that uses plants instead of blu balls.
  13. mickeyd


    :happyfish i think i hurt my anemone. one side of my light went out. I thought that he would be ok because the light was on his side. i finally got a new light. Now he is un attached and on the top. He looks better this evening. I have had the light on all day. put some anemone food in...
  14. mickeyd

    wet/dry filteration

    :rolleyes: Do I need a wet/dry. My fish last about 6 months then they die. I have the penguin bio wheel filter and the skelter filter with the skimmer on the top. I only have one 2 fish for now. My water levels are fine. Salt is fine. Water changes are scary also. When the water...
  15. mickeyd

    sick fish

    i heard that dipping in declorinated water was worth a try. what do you think. his mouth is white around the edges. he eats though. swimming to bottome now though
  16. mickeyd

    sick fish

    my clown fish is sick. I had him awhile. His mouth is white looking. I guess I will lose him. Any hope for a sick fish.
  17. mickeyd

    green algae

    I have green cirlce crusted algae on the back side of my aquarium glass. Is this ok.
  18. mickeyd


    You make a lot of sense about the declorinator. I will do that.:happyfish
  19. mickeyd

    beach sea shells

    HAve you done it before. What about putting Clorox in water. I heard that also. Both sound good. I was wondering about the live rock the stores "cure" before they sell it to you. I thought of that process.:thinking:
  20. mickeyd

    beach sea shells

    I just went to Beach. Got some shells. What do I do to safely put them in the tank. Do I soak them in anything. I don't want my fish to die. :rolleyes: :happyfish