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  1. rmesola

    Help with Kalk.....aaarrrrggggg

    Kalk is a supersaturated solution of limewater... the way to obtain supersaturation is to put more kalk powder than the liquid can dissolve... naturally the excess kalk will settle out as precipitate/sediment... letting the precipitate enter your tank is like dropping the kalk powder directly...
  2. rmesola

    Refuse to clean!

    my shrimp are dying to clean my clowns and would jump on them when they pass by but the clowns always swim quickly away... dragging the shrimps along for a little ride...
  3. rmesola

    help anenome!!!!

    it's always worth giving it a try... in your case the salt may have just burned the exterior... Mine got killed coz the salt landed in it's mouth and went in... :mad:
  4. rmesola

    DIY Coil Denitrator ?

    I have no experience on the subject but using your skimmer return is not a good idea... Denitrators work based on anaerobic bacteria and pumping oxygen rich water into it makes it less efficient... the reason for the coils is so that the water becomes deoxygenated by the time it gets to the...
  5. rmesola

    help anenome!!!!

    same thng happened to me.. I had a fluorishing anemone and one time I got careless... some undissolved salt landed on it and it curled up and secreted brown stuff... it died 2 weeks later... It tends to go belly up.. inside out when it dies... Anemones are very stable but once subjected to...
  6. rmesola

    What kind of anemone is this?

    looks very much like a long tentacle anemone.. the red column/base is associated with LTA's The fact that it's not having very long tentacles may mean that it's not very healthy or water conditions are not great.... My clown's have stuck to my LTA's like crazy...