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  1. po bear

    suggestions on corals

    Katfish thanks for the comp. i'll post some pic's hopefully by Tues.
  2. po bear

    suggestions on corals

    hey marks thanks for the info, i will check out the jbj store,
  3. po bear

    suggestions on corals

    i'm not running 24w's i have 2 24w bulbs,sorry i should have said 48 not dual 24's.sorry bout that
  4. po bear

    suggestions on corals

    I have a jbj with a dual 24w light setup, i'm wanting to had some nice corals, any suggestions, right know i have shrooms, star polys, and frogspawn. any ideas would help out alot.
  5. po bear

    There's sand on my live rock.

    I'm having trouble with the powerhead blowing sand from the bottem of my tank, and it is floating to the top and on top of my LR. My question is, is the sand that is on top of my rock, bad for it or does it matter, and also what can i do to stop the sand from blowing everywhere, i have a jbj...
  6. po bear

    Stevebk's NanoCube

    hey steve, thank you for telling me what powerhead you use, i'm hoping my tanks cycle will end soon. As far as mounting the powerhead, do you mount it over the stock hole or what. And i'm very sorry, but i forgot to tell you what an great tank you have. as far as the lighting goes, shipping to...
  7. po bear

    Sand under rocks?

    In my tank I'm having trouble with the sand landing on my live rock, is this harmful to the rock? Also any ideas on how to get the sand to stop blowing around the tank, the filter blower is causeing this, can I slow the flow in anyway? :help: :confused: Po Bear
  8. po bear

    Stevebk's NanoCube

    what type of pump is that in the upper right corner? Also have you had any trouble with your branching hammer, as far as having enough lighting? the reason that i ask, is that i have retrofitted a dual 24w 50/50 light setup, so in total i have 48w's.I will post some pic as soon as i can figure...
  9. po bear

    anemone in a nanocube?

    :help: is there any anemones that are low light? I,m also thinking of changing the ballest on my jbj nanocube, and running a duel 24w light setup, with doing this would give me 48watts, Is this a good or bad idea. I have a electricen whom said that it would take 20mins to do the install, Any...
  10. po bear

    some new fish

    how big will a christmas wrasse get?
  11. po bear

    Porky-pine puffer

    i went to the lfs, and talk to one of the mangers, and he was really helpful and gave me a couple of ideas as far what fish would work. so thank you, all of your advice was helpful.
  12. po bear

    red dawrf lionfish

    :notsure: :help: i have a 12g tank, and i'm trying to figure out what fish i could go with? i've looked at the list on this site, and iguess i'm missing something. i wanted to get a puffer, but everyone say that they get to big, but the list size shows 2-3inches. so would a red dawrf lion work...
  13. po bear

    Porky-pine puffer

    :notsure: :help: I want to get a puffer but the man @ the fish store says they'll get too big for my 12g this true?? Thanks for any input on this.