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  1. brsdr32

    Ready to give up-losing fish again

    Well I'm not defending anyone on either side of the losing 600 dollars in fish. But I have made some major mistakes in my short time in this hobby. The mistakes that I did make cost me most of my fish, like 80%, each time I made a mistake. Now saying that, I have had no more than 6 fish in my...
  2. brsdr32

    Ready to give up-losing fish again

    My Huma Huma is about 4 1/2 inches long. I'd say about a medium sized one from the ones I have seen at my LFS. It doesn't look thin either. I feed him and my other fish every 2 days. I also make sure I don't have excess food lying around in the water either.
  3. brsdr32

    Ready to give up-losing fish again

    An update on my medication. It worked. My red slime is gone. Besides losing a fish, a Hawkfish, I haven't had that many problems. I am now thinking it was a coincidence that I lost my Hawkfish. None of my other fish died and my Huma Huma is swimming around like nothing was ever wrong. I have...
  4. brsdr32

    Ready to give up-losing fish again

    Nice pics that you have. If I continue with this, I hope I can have a tank like you. I especially like your Blue Hippo Tang. I had one for just a few weeks before it died. I bought it new from my LFS and I didn't give it time to adjust...learned a lesson there. I only buy fish that is at least 3...
  5. brsdr32

    Ready to give up-losing fish again

    I'm lucky, my Huma Huma actually survived. He was lying on my intake to my protein skimmer when I posted original message and I assumed he was dead. The next morning, he was swimming around and he is eating. But I still lost one fish, Hawkfish, and i don't know why. I still have some of that...
  6. brsdr32

    Ready to give up-losing fish again

    I have had numerous problems with my tank over the past year and a half. Most of them were from not doing enough research and being stupid. But my last problem...i don't know what i did, if I did anything. As with most of you I had a red slime problem. I tried the elbow grease solution by using...
  7. brsdr32

    Water quality

    I have read numerous posts about Water Quality. I know this is important. I don't have a way of purifing the water. What is the best way to do this? Would a filter on the spout help? What would be the best way to get distilled water? What about DeChlor?
  8. brsdr32

    Advanced Stages Brooklynella

    I was looking at a post about this, Advanced Stages Brooklynella , what is it and it sort of looks like Ich. Is it treatable and if so, how?
  9. brsdr32

    Ich...please help

    I have a community tank. 2 Percula Clowns, Molly (the one that survived), Huma Huma and an Coral Beauty. The Coral Beauty is the one that has Ich. I learned the hard way about treating the main tank. I didn't have a quarantine tank available at the time. Should I treat all of my fish even...
  10. brsdr32

    Ich...please help

    I am still having a problem with Ich. About a month ago I lost all my fish but one in my tank. It was running great for more than 2 months. All of my fish had signs of Ich when they died. I tried to treat the tank, but it was too late and that didn't work and I accidentally killed most of my...
  11. brsdr32

    Lost all fish in one day

    What is snake oil? No Ich or Ich remover? Or is is something else
  12. brsdr32

    Lost all fish in one day

    Why wouldn't the Ich hit the fish earlier than now. They have been great for a while, but starting yesterday I started to see the signs of Ich, and this AM they died. I still have 2 holding on for dear life, but I don't know if they will make it. I under estimated them earlier, I certainly...
  13. brsdr32

    Lost all fish in one day

    It has been a couple of weeks since I have added anything to the tank. How long can Ich incubate?
  14. brsdr32

    Lost all fish in one day

    I am frustrated and thinking about turning my saltwater tank into a freshwater. I have lost all my fish in one day. They were great 2 days ago. I have had them for almost 2 months now and no problems. It looks like Ich. But they were healthy for 2 months without problems. I have 2 of those...
  15. brsdr32


    I would love to have MH lights, but I can't afford them. The best I can do it the PC lighting that I have.
  16. brsdr32

    Specific Gravity

    Would my fish do ok at 1.025?
  17. brsdr32


    What are your setting to keep the condi going? After reading these posts I think my SG is too low.
  18. brsdr32

    Specific Gravity

    Would the low salinity have anything to do with my anemones dying? And shrimp too?
  19. brsdr32

    Specific Gravity

    What should the optimal SG be in a established tank? Would the SG depend on what you have in the tank? I have read some posts about what people have and their SG and most people are saying that their SG is 1.025, mine is right below that 1.020. This is what my LFS recommended the settings be...
  20. brsdr32


    Ammonia and nitrate levels are normal. I haven't had any trouble out of that since I started the tank 7 months ago. Acclimation is letting is float for approx 30 min, then slowly adding some of my water into the bag for about another 30-45 minutes. After that I put it into the tank. It was good...