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  1. bobk

    Alkalinity Problem--HELP

    Thanks for the comments, I'll go with the liquid Calcium supplement and see what happens. My wife will have to do it since I'm leaving in an hour for an out of town trip...keeping my fingers crossed... Thanks again...
  2. bobk

    Alkalinity Problem--HELP

    I agree but I have not been able to get it up... I just got some Kalkwasser, think that would help? If I get the Calcuim up will that bring down the Alkalinity? In reading the label it says to add it slowly but I'm worried the PH will raise to fast. That was the other problem I've had for a...
  3. bobk

    Alkalinity Problem--HELP

    :confused: Okay I made a classic newbie mistake and now my Alkalinty is off the charts. Lost all the invertes and coral. LFS guy suggested a MAJOR water change of 60 Gal which we did last night it helped some but not much. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Here's the Specs on the...
  4. bobk

    My new tank (8 months old)

    Thanks, I had it built for the "tank"...should have seen the look the builder had when I told him it needed to support 2500 lbs... a kodak moment.
  5. bobk

    My new tank (8 months old)

    Now I need to get rid of the 9 damsels so I can add some other cool fish. Any ideas? :help:
  6. bobk

    My new tank (8 months old)

    Some others
  7. bobk

    My new tank (8 months old)

    These guys love to clean our hands..
  8. bobk

    My new tank (8 months old)

    I posted a photo of my 150 Gal tank here about 6 months ago. Here's a more recent one of what it looks like now, also some of the critters living in it. I only have one problem, the water is green...I've tried 25 gal water changes (RO Water), UV sterilizer, Skimmer's still green. I'v...
  9. bobk

    Corpus Live Sand

    Where are you in Houston? I'm setting up a 150 up in Atascocita.. Also new to this..
  10. bobk

    Everyone post a picture of your tank here please

    Currently there are 11 remaining damsels, I had them in to help cycle the tank, I think I lost 4 or 5 during the cycle process. They have been in for the past 3 weeks.... one clown (about one week old for the grandchildren) and I just got (Thursday) a cleanup crew from Saltwater Fish... the...
  11. bobk

    Everyone post a picture of your tank here please

    Here's my 150, up about 5 weeks... waiting for the right time for the reef. :D Any comments would be welcome. I'm a real newbie to this...
  12. bobk

    Newbie Question - New Tank

    Thanks for the input, yes the Damsels were added to help cycle the tank, I've been adding a few each week and don't intend to add more, when I start with the reef I'll be donating most of them back to the LFS.... I guess I could raise the Salinity although I'm finding with a 150 it's really...
  13. bobk

    Newbie Question - New Tank

    I've been reading this board for the past few days and thought I'd ask a question, hopefully it's not to silly... I have a new 150G tank, that's been setup for about 5 weeks. 170LBS of LR, 160LBS live sand, 11 damsels one clown, wet dry filter, last night we changed out the 2-75 gal wet drys for...