Everyone post a picture of your tank here please


Active Member
you can make your own lr?? that would save $$
Sorry I took so long. Oyster shells and portland type2 cement. Make to a peanut butter consistancy. Use more oyster shells for a mold in a tub. (get creative) Keep it wet (damp towel over it) for a week. Put the rocks in a tub for 12-16 weeks. Change the water weekly. Check the PH of the water to make sure the cement has fully cured. Enjoy.:joy:


New Member
Here's my 150, up about 5 weeks... waiting for the right time for the reef. :D Any comments would be welcome. I'm a real newbie to this...


looks like a great start just be careful about adding to many fish. what type of fish is that with the clown fishes? blue damsel? and it looks like your next step is a clean up crew:happy:


New Member
Currently there are 11 remaining damsels, I had them in to help cycle the tank, I think I lost 4 or 5 during the cycle process. They have been in for the past 3 weeks.... one clown (about one week old for the grandchildren) and I just got (Thursday) a cleanup crew from Saltwater Fish... the incredible keep it clean package. I know it's small for my tank but wanted to start somewhere.
I'll be adding more (clean up guys) next week. Also in that same shippment was the urchin combo, 1 brittle star and a Fighting Conch.... Most everyone seems happy but I did lose one possibly 2 urchins, the bags were leaking upon arrivial. Also one of the shrimp was DOA. Haven't seen the brittle star since he went behind a rock in the far rear of the tank, hopefully he's okay.
It's been a real adventure watching everything grow on the LR... have about 20 feather dusters and some other stuff I cannot identitfy.


can anyone tell me the minimum lighting in a 30 galleon for a bubble tip anemone? and can everyone post pictures of any BTA's that u might have. I want to get one with another clownfish that's already with it so it will host it in my tank.


Active Member
I would love to know the answer of that quetion myself. Here is my tank, but I just redid the rock, and it looks much nicer now.


I have no idea about the lighting. I use PC lighting on my 120 gl. I got my BTA as a baby and it has grown tremendously in the 6 weeks that I've had it. Its been a couple of weeks since I've taken these pics and it seems like its almost twice the size of the picture now. I'm going to have to move some corals around because I think he may be stinging some of them.


how come everyone has a reef tank. does anyone make a fish only tank, or are saltwater fish used just for reefs????
i have a fish only tank with a shipwreck on bottom, treasure chest and an anchor... 3 large items by the way. similar to the pirates of carribaen theme.
so am i the only one not doing a reef?