Everyone post a picture of your tank here please


Active Member
Here's a picture of my tank at 5 months. However the digital camera is garbage, it does not do justice to the tank.



Originally posted by Kablamo
My tank looks like any other 20 gallon empty tank.
My wife won't let me spend any money

Empty Tank = Happy Wife
Full Tank = PO'ed Wife
I think I would opt for an empty tank. A full tank isn't NEARLY as soft as a Happy Wife!


Awe Tervman, you're so sweet. But I disagree with you, a happy wife seems like a controling wife so who cares if she's soft or not!! A full tank is definately more interesting (after you're married anyway)
Kablamo, Have you tried taking her to the fish store?? Let her pick out "just one" and maybe another later. Oh, yeah, and "only" a 5 lb. piece of LR (this week). It will accumulate faster than you know, and as the relatives comment on such a pretty tank, she will take the credit and want to add more (for the sake of the tank of course :rolleyes: )
My hubby and I nickled and dimed ourselves to death!! Then when we saw no end in sight he frustratingly says to me, "Just go buy all that you need and be done with it!" So now we only buy little things at a time!:D


Yeah I took her to the fish store, and she didn't see how cute nemo was, like I expected, she just saw the price tags... But oh well, I've got a tank, and I've got a job, I'm gonna start saving and saving and saving, and go buy my stuff, and tell her my friend sold his tank and gave me HIS stuff. That oughta work


That is to sad that you have to lie to her. Go buy your fish and tell her it was a rescue, or is she that coldhearted that it wont work either?? Unless you guys are in debt up to your ears, then don't buy fish as they can get VERY expensive!!!


The reason she won't let me spend money is because she wants to go to Japan this winter, which would be awesome, but its only for a week! So she's gonna spend 1000 on a week in Japan when I wanna spend a few hundred on a hobby that will last for years!
But I'm not gonna like, just kinda fantasizing...:happy:


Oh, OK. I feel better now, and that's really all that matters... That I feel better. Wouldn't you agree?? Just Kiddin'


She's smarter than the whole, lets go get jsut a couple of lbs of live rock bit, I got my aquarium for free, and she almost wouldn't let me put it in the house because she said, as soon as its in there, you are going to want about a hundred times more to put something in it...
but i have a great idea...
I made a shirt that says,
with a picture of a clown fish. I am going to wear it down town and juggle (I'm a juggler) with a cup in front of me. Maybe that will work.


Take a puppy!! People will give money to anyone with a puppy. You don't even have to wear that shirt. Just say you need donations for the benefit of animal-kind. Statistically, two puppies works best. But one works very well!!


sorry its not a very good pic but like the earlier post, as soon as i get a few more things for my tank i will get a better camera!!


hey lilredcmc, what type of lighting do u have on the pentagon shaped tank. Can u take a picture of it for me so i can tell my girlfriend about it. She wants a tank that shape and an anemone but i don't know if they make a light that shape that's strong enough for an anemone. How strong is your light? and where can i get one like it?


Hiddenicon the tank was a freshwater and it only had 2 -18"- 15w (each bulb so 30 total). i replaced the bulbs with a ones that GE makes for saltwater. one is white and the other is blue. which is cool when i turn the white out. looks like i dumped flourescent green paint in the tank. i will try and post a good pic for you. right now we took the top off because it wouldn't fit right with my filter on the back and i have them sitting on a couple of boards that sit on the top of the tank. before i changed the bulbs i had a pink tip, which was doing great until my son thought he was too close to the top and pulled him off the glass. NOT GOOD. but it was also killing my lr. with the new lights, the rock is starting to come back along with some other growths. hope this helps.