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  1. inthabayou

    Filter Question

    last night while doing a water change and cleaner my filtration system, I broke the locking mechanism/canister on my eheim canister filter... I am a little heated right now, but, what if any, HOB power filters will do the job on a 55g REEF tank?
  2. inthabayou

    Something growing all over my tank

    The first two are what I am talking about.... The last pic I need identified as well.... Not the best of pics on the cam-phone..
  3. inthabayou

    Something growing all over my tank

    I have something growing all over my tank... Looks like small twigs... Some are even starting to grow in between my zoos... When I feed my fish or corals, you see tiny spiderweb like strands extending from these twigs... They are all brown in color... Any help?
  4. inthabayou

    any trading in louisiana?

    Here is another Bat Rouge person looking for a few new things as well... I would also like to get in with this new retailer..
  5. inthabayou

    Disappearing Fish...

    Today after doing a water water change, and after acclimation adding in a harlequin sweetlips, I noticed that one of my fish was missing... I also have a leapard wrasse that hides in the evenings so, I normally dont see him in the evenings, but my clarkii clown is MIA... I moved some rockwork...
  6. inthabayou

    Chocolate Chip starfish for Trade

    I have a chocolate chip starfish for trade in south Louisiana.... Great condition and growing... Eating my corals so he has got to go!!
  7. inthabayou

    Algae/Lighting Questions

    About four months ago, I re-established my SWT after it crashed during hurricane Katrina & Rita... I lost everything.... About four months ago, I re-established the tank, which included an upgrade in lighting... I now use the Coralife PC 2x65 (50/50).... My problem is over the past couple of...
  8. inthabayou

    Clarkie and perclua clown help

    Yeah, I have a clarkii -- And he is territorial as heck!! Right now it is just him and a yellow tang in the tank.... 55g...
  9. inthabayou

    Fluval wont prime....

    I bought a new fluval 304 canister filter the other day (Petsmart had it on sale for 50 bucks)... But after I assembled it I can't get the p[rimer to function properly to start the filter... Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions?
  10. inthabayou

    Feeding Zoos, 'Shrooms

    What do you guys feed your zoos and mushrooms, if anything?
  11. inthabayou

    ***how You Feel About Eating Fish/sea Creatures-post Here***

    I will tear some seafood up! ***) I eat just about anything that comes from the water.... I am not eating nothing out of my tank though! :notsure:
  12. inthabayou

    Feather Duster problem

    Thanks alot... Still has its crown, although it does nto look like it is in good shape in my opinion.
  13. inthabayou

    Feather Duster problem

    My feather duster crawled out of his little leather sack last night.. i sthis normal? He is still alive and has actually moved around the tank... Any help is appreciated.
  14. inthabayou

    Dying anemone?

    Dead anemone.... Got it out of the tank a few minutes ago.... Nasty stringy mess and the smell.... Glad I had been monitoring and didnt leave it in there but a few hours. :mad:
  15. inthabayou

    Dying anemone?

    Just put a new blue-green bubble tip anemone in my tank yesterday, and it has disappeared into a crevice in the rockwork. Is this normal? I am also starting to see some type of slime in that area, is it dead or dying? Feather dusteres are thriving and all fish seem to be doing great. Bought...
  16. inthabayou

    Any scavenger eat green hair algea?

    I have two emerald crabs and a couple of turbo snails that will devour some hair algae. Those five keep my tank algae free. ***)
  17. inthabayou

    Anyone Trading In West Virginia

    An original WV here... Born in Beckley.... No wresiding in Baton Rouge, LA.... but I have literaly been all ove the map.... Welcome.
  18. inthabayou

    Today on the Reef

    YEah, unfortunately, I lost everything..... Without power for over a week..... BUT I am back and am almost ready to begin my new journey from FOWLR to full-blown reef..... I am starting slow but within two yrs, I want a well established reef tank... Ya heard me? I had taken my FOWLR to new...
  19. inthabayou

    Today on the Reef

    Nyce stuff there wax.... I'm over here in BR too!
  20. inthabayou

    Lost It All

    Like many others down here in South Louisiana, I am lucky to be living and healthy, but I did lose my 75 gal salt tank and everything in it... I was truly heartbroken, as you all know, we put alot of money time and effort into our tanks... I am single with no kids, so I treat that tank and its...