Search results

  1. midasblenn

    Parasites on my Purple Tang

    Good question! I wish I knew! All of my fish were quaranteened. The only thing I can figure is that the angel somehow had it when he went into quaranteen and showed no signs of it at all during QT. I didnt medicat in QT bewcause didnt see any reason to. Didnt see any ICH or anything else wrong...
  2. midasblenn

    Lights for 180 Gal Reef.

    Thanks. It does. Was beginning to wonder if anyone would reply!
  3. midasblenn

    Parasites on my Purple Tang

    What is the best medication to treat the fish in QT? I read about hypo but with my work schedule (60+) hours weekly I dont know if I will be available to monitor the process closely enough to do hypo.
  4. midasblenn

    Parasites on my Purple Tang

    Ok, once the QT is set up and cycled. I take all the fish out of the display and put them in the QT. Gold Stripe Maroon Clown Purple Tang Sailfin Tang Midas Blenny Flame Angel 1) Even the Flame? I read somewhere not to treat an Angel. 2) What do you reccomend for treatment of the fish in QT...
  5. midasblenn

    Calling all experts!!!

    I have a 90 with 440 VHOs and I have a lot of those. The only ones that I see might be tough are the Brain & Candy Cane. You should be fine with most softies and LPS. I wouldnt try any SPS though.
  6. midasblenn

    Show ur 90 gal reefs plz

    About 130 lbs of LR on about 180 lbs os sand/aragonite.
  7. midasblenn

    Show ur 90 gal reefs plz

    About 130 lbs of LR on about 180 lbs os sand/aragonite.
  8. midasblenn

    Lights for 180 Gal Reef.

    Thinking of upgrading to a 180 and wondering about lighting. Will probably stay with the lps and softies but might want a maxima clam. Will probably sell my 90 and use the VHOs from that since I have the Icecap 660 and solar 100 dimmer already. Also have an Aqua Logic chiller on it that I can...
  9. midasblenn

    Show me your blennies, peoples.

    Very fat and healthy. I feed my fish 2 times daily. Flakes early and brine/frozen food later. Midas has taken residence at one end of the tank so I feed the majority of food at the other end and then put a little on his end after the others start eating. That way he doesnt have to compete with...
  10. midasblenn

    Show me your blennies, peoples.

    Red Lip
  11. midasblenn

    please show me some of your fish pics

    Here is "Nemo" and "Nemet"
  12. midasblenn

    please show me some of your fish pics

    This is "Arlington"
  13. midasblenn

    Show me your Midas Blennies plz

    This is "Spaz"
  14. midasblenn

    Anyone got pics of Maroon clowns and anemones?

    Here's mine. Unfortunately, this is as close as they will get! But I'm still hopeing they will meet some day.
  15. midasblenn

    Show ur 90 gal reefs plz

    Here is my 90. Still have some work to do.
  16. midasblenn

    Attaching powerheads to glass.

    Anyone have a better way of attaching powerheads to the side of your tank? I have 4 Maxijet powerheads in each of my tanks running on wavemakers but the suction cups are wearing out and I came home to a sandstorm today in my 90 Gal. I am happy with the locations of the powerheads so would like...
  17. midasblenn

    detrivore kits

    Is there a specific creature that you "dont want" in your DSB in a reef tank? I know flatworms are bad but what else out there is bad for corals, clams, anemones, etc?
  18. midasblenn

    Parasites on my Purple Tang

    Here it is. 75 Gal 120 Lbs of LS 100 Lbs of LR 70 Hermits 29 Snails 1 Blue Linkia Starfish 4 Emerald Crabs 1 Arrow Crab 2 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Squamosa Clam 2 Flame Scallops 1 LTA No corals yet. Was going to start adding them this week. 1 Purple Tang (w/ ich) 1 Sailfin Tang (w/ ich) 1 Gold Stripe...
  19. midasblenn

    Parasites on my Purple Tang

    Ok, after doing a search and reading a few articles, it appears that I may have Ich. Evidently the Ich paracites drop off after a certain period of time which will account for the changing locations. The reported life cycle of ich is only 30 - 45 days so I dont know how I got it because...