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  1. mande51334

    Detrivore Kit

    detrivore kit: it has copepods, bristle worms, various stars, and all kinds of critters and bugs.
  2. mande51334

    Detrivore Kit

  3. mande51334

    Detrivore Kit

    just received my detrivore kit, can anyone tell me how long i should leave the lights off and all my filters off?
  4. mande51334

    cleaner shrimp's sheds it's skin?!

    yeah, they shed, every few weeks i think
  5. mande51334

    water changes to lower high nitrates

    tank has been up for a few years, i just got lazy doin water changes now i'm paying for it.
  6. mande51334

    water changes to lower high nitrates

    between 60-80
  7. mande51334

    Cleaning Questions

    yes, you can siphon CC to keep it clean!
  8. mande51334

    water changes to lower high nitrates

    what should the schedule for this be like? 1 big one and then 10% weekly? any help would be appreciated.
  9. mande51334

    quarantining new fish

    thanks Beth!!!!!!!
  10. mande51334

    quarantining new fish

    when quarantining new fish before adding to the display, how long do you quarantine them for and are there any mecidines to add to the water from the start?
  11. mande51334


    looks like that first disease, Brooklynella i think, how would he have gotten it and how do i keep the 2 fish i have left from dying from it? is there such a thing as preventative maintenence with fish or do i have to wait till they're sick too?
  12. mande51334


    something is drastically wrong i think. i get up this morning, check my tank as i usually do, and see that my ocellaris clown is all "white" looking and his "skin" looks like it's falling off. he was still swimming but very erattically. anyway, he just bit the dust. very concerned, what could be...
  13. mande51334

    live sand???

    i see. any other suggestions?
  14. mande51334

    live sand???

    i have been misguided or i just misunderstood. for my sandbed i used bagged pink fiji sand with Arag-alive on top figuring that this was my live sandbed, my tank has been up for about 2years and i've been fighting high nitrates the whole time. now i think i understand why. to make my sand bed...
  15. mande51334

    help on detrivore kit choices

    thanks Sinpe!! so i just dump the stuff on the LR or should i try and spread it around and get it mostly on the sand instead?
  16. mande51334

    help on detrivore kit choices

    anyway.............back to the detrivore kit :yes: as i said before its going into a tank thats been set up for a couple years, do i have to take out the LR before i add the kit or should i leave everything in there and just shut down all my pumps and filters for awhile?
  17. mande51334

    help on detrivore kit choices

    fighting conch correct? ok what else.............anyone? I've had a 4" sand bed for over a year containing pink fiji? sand and arag-alive sand, thinking that was all i needed for a LIVE sand bed come to find out it's not at all live. that would explain why my nitrates are through the roof. now...
  18. mande51334

    help on detrivore kit choices

    been thinking of getting a detrivore kit but unsure on what critters to get in it. can anyone who's purchased one please help me in making my decisions. :help: Thank you.
  19. mande51334

    Live Sand from this site

    can anyone who is using LS from this site tell me how it is, the description says it MAY include copepods and worms. want to get good quality LIVE sand is all so i can make the other 4" of sand i have already live too.
  20. mande51334

    B.S.opinions about Bio-wheels IME,Show me proof please

    will 20lbs. of live sand from this site be enough? how long should it take to establish and see a drop in nitrates? any other things i am forgetting that you all can think of would be helpful, thanks again.