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  1. xsizzlax

    Which hydor koralia powerheads for a 90 gal?

    def go for the 4's, you wont regret it.....
  2. xsizzlax

    Two Hippo Tangs

    I added the second blue tang, the orginal one chases new one around once in awhile but nothing serious and they do school together... thanks for the response....
  3. xsizzlax

    Two Hippo Tangs

    I have one already in my 150 gallon would like to add another. Would this work? thanks,
  4. xsizzlax


    Lets say your overflow is rated for 1750gph and you end up using a smaller return pump of around 1100-1000 gph. Would this work as far as everything working OK and not having any flood problems, because you would think that the overflow will only drain whatever water the return pump is pumping...
  5. xsizzlax

    OverFlow/Pump Question

    Hey, Im getting a 120 gallon tank that is drilled with an overflow, the drain is 2" and it has 2 1" returns. My question is how do i determine what size pump i need to run this setup. What would be the ideal GPH. Thanks.....
  6. xsizzlax

    diary of my hyposalinity journey

    Originally Posted by Beth You could also add a few small pieces of live rubble rock from your display, if you have any. is it ok to add LR during hypo treatment???
  7. xsizzlax


    Well this morning hippo tang looks even worse covered in ick all around and wont eat at all seems this made more of mess than good jus hope she pulls thru, the salt level is at 1.021-1.020
  8. xsizzlax


    Would it be a bad idea to leave a footbal size peice of lr in the DT tank jus incase the canister doesn have enough biological filtration, or will that cause for harm then good? thanks
  9. xsizzlax


    Well i moved all the rock n corals n inverts, what a job that was. I had to mix about half new SW for some liverock the corals used all old water from DT and maybe a small bucket of fresh SW. So now i just add RO water slowly over 48hrs to get it to 1.009 (i got the refractometer today ) Also...
  10. xsizzlax


    What would happen if i left a peice of lr in the display tank while hypo? Also if i start to add RO water to DT tank to bring salt levels down can i use swing arm Hydrometers to start off and by wedesday i shld have the refractometer, would this work?? I wanna bring salt down over 48 hrs so i...
  11. xsizzlax


    I dont have an extra skimmer just one, which tank shld it go on Corals or fish?
  12. xsizzlax


    One more thing if i put my corals in the long rubbermaid with MH and powerheads will it be ok with out a Skimmer??? Thanks again
  13. xsizzlax


    Originally Posted by alfred30 Beth I have a question. I've had a good number of clownfish die on me cause of ick. Now I've not added anything to my tank in over a month and dont plan on adding anything till november. I have two other fish in the tank a firefish and a chromis and they look...
  14. xsizzlax


    Thanks beth for the advice, and yeah trust me i learned my lesson and will be setting up a QT once this is all over. Im getting the refractometer tommorow and will begain the whole process. You never answered question about the mandraine goby/dragonet???
  15. xsizzlax


    Well i got ick in my DT (120gallons) on Hippo tang, Well here's the plan take out all live rock and corals and shrimps and star fish. Put them all into another tank with my MH lights and use some of my tank water and trying to get extra water from friends tank. Fish list [hr] Hippo tang...
  16. xsizzlax

    This day had to come!! nooo

    Hey i Live in mississauga and im interested in ur tank. Where in ontario are you? e-mail me with ur price n pics if u have some thx
  17. xsizzlax

    65 gallon for sale IN canada

    Tink ur kinda far away srry bro.... thx for da interest thou EaZy
  18. xsizzlax

    65 gallon for sale IN canada

    48x18x18....comes with a wood stand and canopy....tank is drilled with a built in overflow askin $150 firm
  19. xsizzlax

    Drilled 65 Gallon For sale

  20. xsizzlax

    Drilled 65 Gallon For sale

    65 gallon tank with built in over flow.....comes with tank wood canopy and wood stand.....askin 200 obo Am located in Mississauga, Ontario thx