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  1. peachy115

    Sea Urchin

    Hi I Just purchased a Pencil Urchin It is great but there is this thing on its back kinda looks like a egg sack not sure the lady i got it from said that its has been there for some time now like 4 weeks does any one know if it is having babies? And how long does that take? Do i have to...
  2. peachy115

    feeding star fish

    Do all star fish have to eat shrimp? what else can u feed them?
  3. peachy115

    Dead clownfish

    Hi i had the same thing happen to me (not sure) but think it could of been brook thats what my clown looked like before he died but took his mate that started looking like the same lost color Sorry look at faq about disease fish it shows a pic of the clown
  4. peachy115


    Thank You for all the info it is helping alot why would you think that the lady who services my tank took 2 of the fish (blue tang,dwarf angel) why she left my carpenter fish in there i have no idea the next day we lost her ($75.00) i was very upset it took her a week to tell me that it was...
  5. peachy115


    OK thank you so much for your help why do you think the other fish didnt get it ? when do you think its safe for me to put other fish in tank?And also the place where i got the clown fish said that she thinks that it was a bad batch ? do you think it started from them ? Thank You for all...
  6. peachy115


    Hi I was wondering if Brooklynella is catchy, can my other fish get it?Is it like ich? I have a 55 gallon everything was fine until i got 2 clown fish they were swiming on the top all the time i was reading in a book that clown fish that do this are sick?Is that true? Well one morning woke up...