

New Member
Hi I was wondering if Brooklynella is catchy, can my other fish get it?Is it like ich? I have a 55 gallon everything was fine until i got 2 clown fish they were swiming on the top all the time i was reading in a book that clown fish that do this are sick?Is that true? Well one morning woke up and one clown fish the color was fadding the other one was fine woke up next day the both were dead. checked water it was fine then started seeing spots on my blue tang and banner fish since i am new i new nothing of this i thougt it was sand since i have a sandsifter few days later banner fish died this time i took it to my fish store she said didnt look like anything was wrong i had a woman come clean my tank that day she said that my blus tang and dwarf angel had something on it they took it back to store to Qt in the mean time spent 75 dollars on a carpenter fish she said was rare ( not knowing ) the wrasse was fine next day had shallow breathin was loosing color took it to her for Qt died the next day
i have star fish,2 cleaner shrimp,sandsifter,watchman goby,and seabetta in tank they all look great :help: dont know what to do ???
sorry it is so long i am a rookie at this got my tank for 3 months
thank you

bang guy

Brooklynella is highly contagious and is one reason why fish need to be quaranteened before adding them to your display tank.
Clownfish are very succeptible to Brook but it is not limited to Clownfish. Ick is the disease with the white dots. Fish suffering from Brook often also get Ick because of the supressed immune system.


New Member
OK thank you so much for your help why do you think the other fish didnt get it ? when do you think its safe for me to put other fish in tank?And also the place where i got the clown fish said that she thinks that it was a bad batch ? do you think it started from them ? Thank You for all your help:)


Staff member
Brook is transmitted from fish to fish, rather than it being in the water.
I would wait 6 wks before adding fish to that tank.


New Member
Thank You for all the info it is helping alot why would you think that the lady who services my tank took 2 of the fish (blue tang,dwarf angel) why she left my carpenter fish in there i have no idea the next day we lost her ($75.00) i was very upset it took her a week to tell me that it was Brook at first she said it was ich i know now that ich comes from brook but those clown fish were not right from the begin one was very pale from the get go
was wondering if my seabetta is normal now any info on her? She likes to stay under a rock and sometimes stays near filter is she shy? she has been swimming out some latley dunno :notsure:


New Member
We just added a maroon clown to our tank... and not knowing what was causing him to swin near the top and not eating (we thought it was maybe stress?) But then we noticed the slimy patch on his top portion of his upper body. Then we gave him a freshwater dip... which seemed to work for a little bit. But he ended up dying :( Very sad... and I've been reading that brook usually takes over and by the time you catch the symptoms is usually too late.