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  1. bb21375


    i want to add a bta to my 30gal. how many watts should my lights be. i have a maroon clown and a sweetlip clown. how mant bta's should i add. and as a suggestion give me some nice colors that would really bring out my tank but won't take away from the fish. they are just so beautiful. oh yeah...
  2. bb21375

    just a question

    i have 1 maroon clown, a sweetlip clown, and a snowflake ell in my 30 gal tank. the sweetlip will be moved to a bigger tank when i get it together. No the snowflake does not bother them because i feed him on a regular base. he mostly hangs in his den entil he see's me approach the tank(he knows...
  3. bb21375

    condy amenome

    it's tenicals are pulled inside and they look shrivled up
  4. bb21375

    condy amenome

    i'm sorry it's 18000k. but how can you tell when your anemone is dead. what are the signs.
  5. bb21375

    condy amenome

    i tested my water and it seems to be fine.and my lighting isa power glo 2800k forcoral invertebrates and plant growth. my fish are fine im just worried about this little guy. i have 2 clowns and a snow flake ell.
  6. bb21375

    condy amenome

    how do i know if my condy anemone is alive or dead. it's never standing straight up it's always on it's side. then i notice the tenicals is pulled inside and it is releasing a brown algae looking substance and the middle of it is open with what seems to be a bubble inside. can anyone give me...
  7. bb21375

    need help

    no i didn't stir it up but my tank has been up for several months now and the cyle is complete. although i did change the substrate form crushed coral to live sand maybe a month ago. could that be the reason. the crushed coral could have done it when i remove it. the water looks cloudy only on...
  8. bb21375

    need help

    i have white film or maybe its foam covering the top of my water. does anyone know what it may be i did a 20 percent water change but it's still there. how do i get rid of it. i want it to be clear.
  9. bb21375

    Help Me I.D.

    is it good or bad for the tank and if so how.
  10. bb21375

    Help Me I.D.

    i have a pink and blue worm looking thing living inside of my live rock. i can't seem to get a picture of it because it only came out once that i know of. it's pink and blue about 2 inches long. can anyone i.d. it.
  11. bb21375

    stress zyme. has anyone used it before

    leona when you used sterss zyme in your salt water tank did it turn everything brown. if so what did you do to remove it.
  12. bb21375

    stress zyme. has anyone used it before

    i placed a bacteria called stress zyme in my 29gal tank to help the cycle. i have live sand and ten lbs. of lr and one damsel. but on my sand and lr, from the stress zyme i have a brown looking substance on them is this normal or should i clean it. has anyone used stress zyme before. my...
  13. bb21375

    first timer needing help at sw tank

    i have crushed coral
  14. bb21375


    thank you both for the advice. i'll let you know when the cycle is complete.
  15. bb21375


    darkness give me so tips on what you started off with to make it cycle in 2 1/2 weeks
  16. bb21375


    i have crushed coral. and everthing is where it needs to be except for my amonia, and nitrite
  17. bb21375


    i've had my 30 gal sw tank up for almost a month now and i see no change in the cycle. what should i do
  18. bb21375

    first timer needing help at sw tank

    i have a 30 gal saltwater tank that i want for fish and corals only. i'm just getting stared so i only have a heater and a undergravel filter in it. i would like some suggestions from you experts on what other equipment, fish corals,ect. to add to it. and also is there a way to make your water...