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  1. montidanae

    What critters can I have in a fuge?

    i have had my fuge for about 6-7 months, and the Xenia for 4-5 hasent gone in my main tank, and i have an above tank fuge, so it would eb really easy to go into the main tank, but it cant, dont worry.....
  2. montidanae

    What critters can I have in a fuge?

    a 5 gallon fuge of Xenia will take out as much No4 and No3 as a 100 gallon of macro alage will, so Xenia is way betetr to have then macros, i haev Xenia,and love it.
  3. montidanae

    harvesting tips???

    yeah a whole new head grows, so you kinda get a 2 for 1 deal...
  4. montidanae

    Bang Guy's Latest Experiment

    i cant remember, i ask a while ago, and someone gave me a link....
  5. montidanae

    What critters can I have in a fuge?

    snaisla re good, i have alot of nassarius snails and Strombus conches in my fuge to keep deterius down, astreas are good too, Hermits wille at the macros you want to grow along with anythign else they can catch, so no crabs or shrimp, fish mgith be ok, if you dont plan on usuny your fuge as a...
  6. montidanae

    crustaceans dying

    good idea on the copper test im leaning thats thats the reason of death.
  7. montidanae

    Why should I?

    thats pretty cool, i agree, never skimp, you'll pay alter, luckly for you, it would have been a shame if it would have fallen, thats a pretty nice tank!
  8. montidanae

    feeding polyps

    almost all corals dont benifit fromt he plankton, they eat the zooplankton that eats the plankton, so add it at night, or when lgihst are about to go out, thats when plankton is most dense and also when the zooplankton and pods come out to eat, that is also when coral feeding tentacles are out...
  9. montidanae

    Do you leave your mag-float in the tank?

    dont take it out, they need to be underwater, if you take it out, thats where rust starts to grow, when the salt and the oxygen meet, over a week or so it will be covered in rust, which is bad, keep it in the tank, it will become covered in coraline and you wont be able to notice it...
  10. montidanae

    Wet/Dry Sump or NOT???

    sumps add extra water to increase the stablility of your tank, they are also a place to hid heaters/skimmers/ closed look pumps, reactors and others. wetcrys are for biological filtration, but in the SW hobbie are useless unless you ahve no LR. and refugiums are like bioballs they are used for...
  11. montidanae

    Bang Guy's Latest Experiment

    Originally posted by Kip4130 i wanna buy one for work :) ... but cant find a place that sells them (that or i really dont know what i am looking for) a few places on ---- have them for about $50
  12. montidanae

    food and additves for coral?

    Cyclopezze is very good, coems in a frozen dar that can eb shaved off, its a frozen zooplankton, and regualr feedigns of your fish, thats all you will need....
  13. montidanae

    harvesting tips???

    sometimes the Xenia covers the whole pick, and you cant pull it out without detaching the Xenia, or hurting it, whats why i liek to cut the Xneia and just press it against the rock with chessecloth to keep it in place, wont hurt it, less stress ful and easier...
  14. montidanae

    Coral ID please

    try moving it off the frog, the frog is stunting its growth and harming it by stinging it, yes they are fast growers, good steal those by me go for 50-60 a frag....
  15. montidanae


    looks pretty sweet!~
  16. montidanae

    Bang Guy's Latest Experiment

    saltwater looks very cloudy under the black lgiths, another good idea would be to use 2 10ks and 2 blakc lgiths for supliment.
  17. montidanae

    Bang Guy's Latest Experiment

    looks pretty cool bang! but woulnt alot of people run them on regualr NO ballasts? not ususaly on an icecap, IMO, looks forward to results....
  18. montidanae

    Flazboy, question on skimmer....

    collection cup, went kida crazy with silicon.....:rolleyes:
  19. montidanae

    Flazboy, question on skimmer....

    Exit tube with DIY anti bubbler....
  20. montidanae

    Flazboy, question on skimmer....

    Bottom chamber and dolphin pump