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  1. montidanae

    easy lighting question plz...

    higher light corals like rics and some species of zoos might brown out on you.
  2. montidanae

    Importance of Current part 2

    everything in your tank is creating small amoutns of ammonia by it, even your corals, you need powerheads and current to move that ammonia away from the coral to filtration like bacteria and skimemers. i love flow! nice pictures btw!
  3. montidanae

    easy lighting question plz...

    enough but thehigher light softs might lose some color.
  4. montidanae

    Thank you all! EVERYONE!

    thank you, my tank is just now startin g to fill up with SPS, i have got alot of frags over the past week, so im very happy!
  5. montidanae

    easy lighting question plz...

    yes but i cant gaurentee they will all keep color.
  6. montidanae

    Thank you all! EVERYONE!

  7. montidanae

    Thank you all! EVERYONE!

  8. montidanae

    Thank you all! EVERYONE!

  9. montidanae

    Thank you all! EVERYONE!

    to this! my new and improved tanK! full
  10. montidanae

    Thank you all! EVERYONE!

  11. montidanae

    Thank you all! EVERYONE!

    I would just liek tot hink you all, my tank is almost a year old (yippe) and i would just like to think everyone on of you for all the support you guys have and all the knolegde, and that you are so kind as to share your knowledge for me tio share with others, alot of you may not know my new...
  12. montidanae

    macro question....

    how long do you have your lights on, could just be diatom alage growing on them.
  13. montidanae

    Feast your eyes on these sexy.....

    i have always wanted a few sexys, but im afraind it would get sucked away in my curent.
  14. montidanae

    pictures of fuges please.

    old picture of my 30g fuge.
  15. montidanae

    Just found it, need ANOTHER ID...

    it dosent have the look of a stomatella, they are benificial, butt hey have a large foot, and a small shell, to small to cover themselfs.
  16. montidanae

    220gal Help needed fast!!!!!

    yeah there will be TONS of pressure on the glass, i woulnt trust it either!
  17. montidanae

    My Newbie Tank

    looks like your using PC lights, sorry to tell you this, but those lights will not support your aenmones, the rock maybe but the curly Q i dont think so, anemones need very mature tanks, High lights and very stable and clean water quality, they deffinitly arent easy animals to keep....... but...
  18. montidanae

    Quick 4 Pack

    nice digi!
  19. montidanae

    Clam or not a Clam ?

    clams, when clams are dieing they dont open or dont extend their mantels, they get all shriveled up in the shell, and then die, their skin peels off the shell then.
  20. montidanae

    220gal Help needed fast!!!!!

    if it has a crack dont get it, other then that, looks like a good deal!