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  1. weasertt

    what to do about ich

    I think my hippo tang may have ich. he's been laying on the bottom alot and has a lil discoloration around his eyes. look s like white spots. Is this ICH? if it is what should I do.
  2. weasertt

    coralife super skimmer problems

    thanks guys i think i got it. so i have to let it run to break it in. then do i turn the red knob until the bubbles are in the cone?
  3. weasertt

    coralife super skimmer problems

    well the water was from the cup overflowing. but there was also water squirting out of the lil hole in the outflow right in front of the red knob. i cut the tube so my pump is only about 6 inches down in the water. the airtube that goes into it is connected to a grey cylinder. the line is clear...
  4. weasertt

    coralife super skimmer problems

    ok guys i woke up this morning to a wet rug. my skimmer was overflowing and water was everywhere. I had a recent thread about the trouble i had with the coralife super skimmer and i though all issues were taken care of. now the only way it doesnt overflow is if I turn the venturi valve almost...
  5. weasertt

    what to clean with?

    what do you guys use to clean the outside of your tanks. I have water streaks on mine. im assuming windex shouldnt be used but I dunno what else to use on glass?
  6. weasertt

    help please w skimmer

    ok so i have to attach the valve to the pump. where do i connect it?
  7. weasertt

    help please w skimmer

    i dont seem to have a valve on my pump. there is one ni the box but for somereason it never mentions attaching it in the instructions. anyone know where it goes
  8. weasertt

    help please w skimmer

    I bought a coralife super skimmer. I put it all together and hung it on the tank. Now when i turn it on the collection cup fills up so fast that i have to keep turning it off so it doesnt overflow. i turned the valve all the way down but it still fills right up w bubblues and water. this thing...
  9. weasertt

    some help on a skimmer

    are those skimmers the kind you just hang right on the back? or do they go in a sump. cause i dont have a sump
  10. weasertt

    some help on a skimmer

    hey guys, finally my cycle is complete, all my levels are perfect. I added a humu humu trigger and a puffer. I have a 55 gallon corner tank with an eheim canister filter. WHats a good protein skimmer for me to get. Any advice is appreciated?
  11. weasertt

    cycle taking longer than i thought?

    im gonna hve toi bring some in to the LFS to have it tested. my ammonia had been reading .25 for the last two weeks. and all of a sudden now its .50. I dont get it. ANd my trites and trates are higher now than ever.
  12. weasertt

    aggressive crabs

    i need some crabs or some shrimp to help clean my tank. BUt im going to have a trigger, a puffer, and some damsels in there. Are they safe with these fish? WHat kinda crabs and shrimp should i get?
  13. weasertt

    cycle taking longer than i thought?

    its made by RED Sea I believe. im at work now so dont know the exact model.
  14. weasertt

    cycle taking longer than i thought?

    i have LS but no LR yet. ive been feeding them some pellets every day. I guess its possible im feeding too much. Any other ideas
  15. weasertt

    cycle taking longer than i thought?

    after 4 weeks my tests resulats are ph 8.0 ammonia .50 nitrites .50 nitrates 10 shouldnt they be coming down by now, the damsels seem happy actually there eating alot and swimming about. could i be doing something wrong?
  16. weasertt

    some additions to my tank?

    so i shouldnt get the puffer with the inverts? and which shrimp should i go with. instead of the puffer could i have a niger trigger? or just one trigger per tank?
  17. weasertt

    some additions to my tank?

    I have a 75 gallon and currently have a small hippo tang and a small humu humu trigger. i realize they will outgrow it but there young and it should be a while. anyway i would like to add some hermits crabs to keep the sand clean and maybe some other stuff to make it look good. possibly a shrimp...
  18. weasertt


    its a 55 not a 30
  19. weasertt


    today one of the damsels was dead, but the others are swimming around fine. that could just be the cycle taking its effect i think. But im hopinh it will be over soon. I saw a hippo tang i would really like to add when its done. and possibly a humu humu trigger. maybe ill try putting in a small...
  20. weasertt


    the tank is only about 3 weeks old. i was just approaching the end of my cycle when this happened. last time i checked my water it was nitrites .25 nitrates 10 ammonia close to 0 right between 0 and .25 ph 7.8