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  1. weasertt


    when i came home today I noticed my fish were all swimming near the top. It almost seemed like they were gulping air. Its like they were eating off the surface. The guy at my LFS told me I didnt need an airstone but now im wondering if thats what the problem is? I did a small water change to try...
  2. weasertt


    ok guys tested this morning. nitrites .25 nitrates 10 ammonia close to 0 right between 0 and .25 ph 7.8 is my progress good? and how much longer do you think?
  3. weasertt


    thanks guys. Ill keep ya posted on my progress. I appreciate your advice
  4. weasertt


    i do have a skimmer and now ive turned it on. According to my LFS the damsels will have no problem surviving the cycle. And to be honest I kinda like them. SO i plan on keeping them after I cycle. Of course Ill be adding some others but im not gonna just get rid of them. So am I like half way...
  5. weasertt


    the tank is a 55 gallon and I have 5 damsels in there.
  6. weasertt


    am i cycling correctly. Im 10 days in and my ammonia is at .25, my nitrites are really high like at 5 and my nitrates are at about 20. does that see about right using damsels to cycle it. About how much longer do you think it will take.
  7. weasertt

    New Tank question

    its been running for 8 days now, NO according to the LFS i cycled it with the chemical they sold me. The damsels were just a cheap test to see if they survive. Now they want me to try a more expensive fish, saying that its ok cause the damsels survived and are healthy so far
  8. weasertt

    New Tank question

    Hey guys, I just recently set up my 55 gl corner tank. I wanted bigger but i was limited in space. Anyway I bought an Eheim filter and everything else the LFS recommended to me. After getting the salinity and temp correct they instructed me to add 6 damsels and some Spira chemical which would...
  9. weasertt


    I seem to have a diatom outbreak for the last few weeks. I posted last week and I was told its actually a good sign for my tank. But now its not getting better or worse. Does that mean if I vaccuum it all out that it wont grow any longer. Or should I leave it for a lil while and go pick up a...
  10. weasertt

    Adding Live Rock to my tank?

    OK guys, heres the situation. Had a Diatom outbreak. SO im keping the light out and im going to purchase a clean up crew. Now im getting bored of the cheap decorations I put in the tank and wanna get some live rock. Now my tank has already cycled and I have 3 fish in it. Is t ok to just add the...
  11. weasertt


    im using a basic fluorescent light that came with the tank. Its been set up for about 8 weeks. The guy at the pet store said all my levels were ok. At one time my nitrates were high but then I installed a Protein skimmer and that seemed to have leveled off. Could it be the lighting?
  12. weasertt


    SO I was told that the brown stuff on my sand is Diatoms. Can I get a chemical to kill it or what do I do? WIll hermit crabs or something like that eat it? It really looks unattractive in the tank and I wanna get rid of it ASAP. Any help is appreciated
  13. weasertt

    Brown stuff on sand

  14. weasertt

    brown stuff

    ok so my tank is 30 gallons. What is my best bet on a clean up crew to take care of the Diatom. I wanna get ASAP
  15. weasertt

    brown stuff

    how long does it take to go away? Is there anyway to speed the process cause it looks bad
  16. weasertt

    cleaner crew?

    I have a 30 gallon tank with a small Niger trigger, a small porc puffer, and a small grouper. I need a cleanup crew for the brown stuff on bottom. I have a good filter and a good protein skimmer but there is a brown substance on the sand that i think could be waste. Will crabs do the trick? What...
  17. weasertt

    Brown stuff on sand

    Also I wanna add some live rock to make the tank look good. About how many pounds are appropriate for a 30 gallon tank. and this brown stuff is really making it look unattractive
  18. weasertt

    Brown stuff on sand

    are hermit crabs safe with these fish.
  19. weasertt

    Brown stuff on sand

    the tank has been up for about 6 weeks. Its like a light brown and its all over the sand. It doesnt look like waste pellets. Whats a diatom and what would I do about it?
  20. weasertt

    Brown stuff on sand

    I have a 30 gallon tank with a small niger trigger and a porc puffer. I dont have any live rock yet just fake plants and some caves. Anyway lately ive noticed brown stuff on the sand on the bottom. I have an adequate filter and a good protein skimmer running. Is it just waste? How Do I get rid of it