Search results

  1. davdunning

    Looking for 75-120

    I am looking for a new tank. I got out of the hobby about a year and a half ago and am currently looking for someone with in 120 miles of Jacksonville, Fl that is selling a tank, preferrably a complete setup. Is this the best site to look or are there better places? thank you.
  2. davdunning

    55 Gal. in Jacksonville, FL

    I am selling my 55 gallon complete saltwater setup. I am moving to an apartment and unfortunately cannot bring my tank. This is a 55 gallon with a crushed coral bottom, and approxiametly 75 pounds of live rock. There are many different varieties of polyps and zoo's currently growing in the...
  3. davdunning

    Blade Plant

    Is there any reason NOT to add balde plants to my tank? Will my tang eat them? Are they hardy? Thanks
  4. davdunning

    Food of some sorts

    I don't have a fuge...and I have compacts...
  5. davdunning

    Food of some sorts

    My lfs gave me these yeseterday to put into my tank so that my tang would eat them. She (I assume it is a she) seems to love them. What are they and will they grow in my tank if I can leave them there long enough?
  6. davdunning

    Funny looking thing...

    I have this thing crawling on the glass of my tank. I was hoping someone could tell me what it is. It looks like a snail with no shell and completely opaque. Any ideas? Thanks
  7. davdunning

    Green star polyp

    I moved them closer to the lights so we will see what happens! Thanks for all the help I will let you know how it goes!!!
  8. davdunning

    green star polyps

    thanks for the help. I am going to try and move them today.
  9. davdunning

    green star polyps

    oyster eggs? forgive my ignorance...what do those do?
  10. davdunning

    green star polyps

    I have a 55 gallon with about 65-75 pounds of life rock, coralife compact lighting sitting about 5 inches from the top of the tank. I have a yellow tang, blue hippo tang, fox face, and a flame angel. I have some Brown zoos and an anenome as well as snails and blue-legged crabs. Anything else...
  11. davdunning

    green star polyps

    I posted a message about a week ago about some green star polyps I had purchased. It has been about three days and they hadn't open and I was told not to be concerned. It's been additional week and they still aren't open. I leave my compacts on for 7-8 hours a day, should I try more? I did...
  12. davdunning

    Green star polyp

    I do hope so! Thanks for the help!
  13. davdunning

    Green star polyp

    I purchased some green star polyps this weekend from my lfs. I have NEVER had a problem with anything I pruchased there. The polyps were wide open when I bought them on Saturday but after acclimating them they have yet to open in my thank. I have them in moderate to high water flow and my...
  14. davdunning

    Help Please!

    I have had this tank running for about 8 months now...I sure hope cycling is done! :D I feed the fish two formula one frozen squares once a day...
  15. davdunning

    Help Please!

  16. davdunning

    Help Please!

    Please help me someone! My tank is going ballastic! Last week my nitrite and ammonia levels were high so I did water changes for a few days and they began to drop to as close to zero as one can get. My nitrates were a little high, but they tend to swing in my tank so I didn't worry about it...
  17. davdunning

    coral identification

    that is as open as it has been! That's one of the reasons I asked. I wanted to see if it needed lots of light, a little light, high flow, low flow. Thanks for the help. Time to google these words and see what I get thanks again.
  18. davdunning

    coral identification

    sorry for the long wait. here's a picture of it! Thanks to however can identify it!
  19. davdunning

    coral identification

    Is there a good site to id corals? My girlfriend bought some but doesn't remember the name of it and I am really curious. I don't see anything on here that looks like it. Thanks for the help.
  20. davdunning


    It's made by water general. After searching through the listing I can buy an adapter for the sink or garden hose for less than $10. I guess for that price I should go ahead and sign myself up.