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  1. zonut

    Cant get mantis

    well if you can get the rock out and can send it to me ill pay you for the trouble. if its snapping alot and your getting holes its a smasher. look at night with a flashlight.
  2. zonut

    Cant get mantis

    if you can get me a photo of the mantis and approximate size ill pay you for the mantis the rock and the shipping if it what i am looking for.
  3. zonut

    I'm Gonna get an ANGULAR!

    id be more concerned about water volumn for toxicity and cleanliness than i would about it for his comfort.
  4. zonut

    is my skimmer post gone?

    the email will explain it.
  5. zonut


    yeah most octopus only live a year to year and a half wild or captive. Also it can fit anywhere it can fit its beak through as that is the only hard part of its body. They are smart to, you can teach it things and it will even problem solve. Id enjoy the limited time you have with it as it...
  6. zonut

    is my skimmer post gone?

    yeah i will be responding to all emails tomorrow when i am back to the shop and can see a time line.
  7. zonut

    is my skimmer post gone?

    hmm did my skimer post get deleted? i cant seem to find it and when i try to folow an old link its now dead.
  8. zonut

    how big do you think a "frag" should be

    most of those frags tho are made by getting the zoos to grow on rubble and not by busting up the pieces of the colony. at least the ones i make are made like that, the process is to me seeding not fraging. But yeah for nice colors you didnt get taken for a ride.
  9. zonut

    can zooxanthellae die?

    yes its true they can live in that temp. and they still take advantage of the relationship at that temp, but at over 75 degrees they start shedding zooanthellae from themselves. But yes color doesnt have alot to do with zooanthellae. As far as where i found that info , i have read it lots of...
  10. zonut

    A Nice Tank, many pics

    i always enjoy tanks with shoals of lookdowns. now he just needs one that will keep 20. problem with most shoaling fish is unless you keep a predator they wont stay shoaled as its a natural defense mechanism when predators are near. My next tank in my new house i think will be approx 5k...
  11. zonut

    how big do you think a "frag" should be

    fraging is typically left for sps corals where you are cutting them and placing them on new growth shoots, something like that i woudl call seeding, but yeah nickel sized pieces are about right. They will grow fast if you give them lots of trace elements and room.
  12. zonut

    can zooxanthellae die?

    not lowest tollerable depth for the animal but any coral regardless of being equatorial in range or being near freezing temperature bottom dwelling corals once any coral is in water over 75 degrees or so it starts expelling its zooanthallae as a response to the temperature. I am aware that coral...
  13. zonut

    Update: my shark egg

    cat shark?
  14. zonut

    Selling all

    instead of selling everything why dont you try breeding fish to help take the strain off of people taking animals from the ocean. you could start with simple animals like banghai cardinals and the like and clowns and then move up as you become more adept at it. that is a much better solution i...
  15. zonut


    how big is the stargazer? Plus i wouldnt forget the electrical charges it carries, it doesnt feel pleasant.
  16. zonut

    can zooxanthellae die?

    corals start expelling zooanthella at 74-78 degrees farhenheit. and they replace them when water is optimal again, it is a symbiotic parasitic relationship. Sounds to me tho like rob was stating you just have a bleaching, is it new coral high in the tank? you can burn them as well. It also may...
  17. zonut

    enough filter?

    whats going in it? just a fish?
  18. zonut

    Fragging Ricordea

    unles its florida ricordea then you need to cut it into 4ths and mail me 2 of each one.
  19. zonut

    A very bad night

    salt creep i think he said was the culprit.
  20. zonut

    Is a skimmer worth it . . .

    that avatar is g rated.