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  1. lildirty77

    Dogface Is Dying!!!

    i do have a quarentine tank set up. The thing is that all the fish that were with her were moved in there so they wouldn't get parasites and I just treated the tank with her in it. I am just hoping that what ever is in the tank dies off now, and won't bother my hermit crabs and snails.
  2. lildirty77

    Dogface Is Dying!!!

    After 8 years I hoped I would never see her die... but she just couldn't fight it any longer. My baby... died
  3. lildirty77

    Dogface Is Dying!!!

    Oh, my puff looks so bad. Where she slept last night is covered with this white slime... and there is slime all over her body... and a lump in her side, and the breathing is now labored. There are clumps of white stuff all over her and she just looks beat up. Will Maracyn Two help??? I thought...
  4. lildirty77

    Tang with possible HLLE

    currently he is in the QT because the puffer is in the large tank with parasites. But in the QT are also all the other fish that were in with the puffer. I have high nitrates because I see the fish begging and feel bad when I don't feed them
  5. lildirty77

    My Tang is Tickled? Disease or Copepods?

    my tang scratches against things and I learned that it loosens up algae then eats it. That could very well be the thing if there are so visible signs of disease
  6. lildirty77

    Tang with possible HLLE

    I just read a thread about a yellow tang with red blotches and mine has the same thing. The lateral line and some patches around the eyes are showing, kinda like dents, but not as bad as hole in head. The nitrates are at 40ppm, and I think tha might be bothering him. He does eat though, every...
  7. lildirty77

    Battered Yellow Tang

    I know melafix and primafix help with open wound, and fin damage. Also, I know that garlic helps get the fish to eat.
  8. lildirty77

    Dog face has VELVET... Help quickly

    well the symptoms are as follows, scratching, dusty colored stuff on her, won't eat, lethargic, over active slime... I have a 55 gal tank with 2 penguin 330 filters plus a protein skimmer, a powerhead and air stones. The rest of the fish that were in there are in my upstairs tank. There were 3...
  9. lildirty77

    Dog face has VELVET... Help quickly

    My dog face has marine velvet and i am having a hard time finding products to treat her. I know copper isn't a good idea, but I need some help. I have been having a problem with the nitrates in the tank as well and did a 3/4 water change to rid the tank of the nitrates, then administered...