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  1. upinsmoke

    JBJ Nanocube Fuge

    instead of using that kinda lighting just buy a small fuge light for that has a mounting kit you can mod nano hoods easy actually its all garbage i gutted mine fast
  2. upinsmoke

    HELP Nanocube ???

    thank you i kinda figured that but i didnt want to break it
  3. upinsmoke

    HELP Nanocube ???

    Can anyone help and explain to me how to take the hood of off my nano cube so i can install different lights on it
  4. upinsmoke

    pics of my nano cube

    is that a starfish in the bottom left corner if it is its way too big for your tank get rid of it asap.
  5. upinsmoke

    Live rock

    I have the 12g nano cube with about 5 larger rocks i would like to break them up each into about 3 pieces so that i can make a better looking rock wall. I had a tank crash and this time i want to make it perfect. Im going to make it a reef tank. Does anyone have methods on how to break up the...
  6. upinsmoke

    Live Rock

    I have the 12g nano cube with about 5 larger rocks i would like to break them up each into about 3 pieces so that i can make a better looking rock wall. I had a tank crash and this time i want to make it perfect. Im going to make it a reef tank. Does anyone have methods on how to break up the...
  7. upinsmoke


    im definatly not touching that worm ill kill it before i touch it i know where he lives so ill keep my eye out
  8. upinsmoke


    I saw a pink worm with white bristles crawl out of my lr the other day. Is this just a bristle worm or fireworm. It was actually kind of cool looking bright pink. also is it good or bad?
  9. upinsmoke

    filtration..loading filter with carbon 12g nano

    yeah i im using 10 pounds of live rock and 20 pound bag of live sand
  10. upinsmoke

    filtration..loading filter with carbon 12g nano

    yeah i im using 10 pounds of live rock and 20 pound bag of live sand
  11. upinsmoke

    filtration..loading filter with carbon 12g nano

    i have 12g nano cube is it good if i add some more bags of active carbon inb filter and an extra sponge thanks
  12. upinsmoke


    it keeps a little lower than water level but for the most part it stays full.
  13. upinsmoke

    Nano Cube

    Has any one out there been able to put a protein skimmer in their JBJ Nano cube and if so which one. Also what is a good powerhead for one and filter? if there even is any/
  14. upinsmoke

    lighting for nano

    The JBJ nano cube is about 100 give or take. has lighting upgrades and if you spend enough in light you could keep a small clams.
  15. upinsmoke

    JBJ nano cube

    just so you know i love my nano cube and if you hear anything about no place for a heater that is a lie. I got my 50w in their very easily you can keep it out of sight next to the pump in the back.
  16. upinsmoke


    a month or so but its looks very good n it recomendes 6 watts per gallon.
  17. upinsmoke


    Just to let you guys now i have my RBTA in my nano cube and its doing fine. It found its perfect spot and is trying to get as close to the light as he can. The lights are fine but the water quailty might be a promblem later on. I had to move him off of a rock after getting pinced on accident...
  18. upinsmoke


    Does anyone out there have anemones in a 12g Nano Cube if you do how is it doing. I want to know if the lights are fine.
  19. upinsmoke

    RBTA n Nano

    Does anyone out ther have anemones in a 12g Nano Cube if you do how is it doing.
  20. upinsmoke


    stupid question but i dont know all the slang what is IMO thanks for all your help guys!