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  1. tonga

    ro/di units

    well the best way to do it is to connect it to your house plumbing, but if you arnt expierenced in that area, the best way is to connect it to a hose or get a faucet adapter, usually whereever you get the ro unit from carrys faucet adapters, that is the easyist way.
  2. tonga

    I need a thumbs up/opinions from you guys

    sounds good to me, as salty said make sure they are a good quality heaters, I like ebo jagers.
  3. tonga

    Very Aggressive Puffer

    your fish all will outgrow your tank eventually, but puffers can be pretty aggressive sometimes, and a Niger trigger really isn't thought be a aggressive trigger..I would take him out and try a piccaso (see if you can find one the same size or larger then the porc), undulateds are extremely...
  4. tonga

    Newbie With a spare 12 gallon tank, SW?

    well if you say your dad is expierenced, it could probably be done if he helped you, how long has it been since he has had his 55G? I believe the others have answred your question on the substrate. Do lots of reading, this BB is a good place to start! :) Good Luck!
  5. tonga

    Maroon Clown with Condylactis?!?!

    yeah, one of my maroons did that, they will often get "desperate" and look for anything :) clarkis will also do it on occasion
  6. tonga

    Would this work?

    Well In most cases I agree with both of you, but a friend of mine does have a 125G with the following huma trigger,porc puffer,dogface puffer, fiji puffer, and a clown trigger, the fish are starting to get big and he's having a 300G being built right now, he claims he never has had any...
  7. tonga


    yeah, i'm not sure if you have ever seen them diving or at public aquariums, but they are gigantic and have been known to attack divers :)
  8. tonga


    saltwater4ne, please do not give advice on things you know nothing about, (even when you are giving advise to yourself it's false info) I'll answer the question anyway in case someone really needs to know why, and not think sw4mes BS is what to do. do not put a queen or any other trigger in with...
  9. tonga

    harliquin shrimp?

    your thinking of a anemone shrimp.. cc starfish cost around $8 here, eventually the starfish will die.. I have no personal expierence keeping h.shrimps but alot of people buy damaged stars from their lfs and use those since they can get them for a cheaper price.
  10. tonga

    lookdown fish

    no, you don't understand what I'm saying. They need to be in huge schols, I am good friends with one of head aquarists at Atlantis, they have a 10,000G lookdown system, Trust me they get huge, and need tons of space to thrive. The LFS` usually get juvi ones in, the picture above is the lookdown...
  11. tonga

    Salty question

    if you slowly lower it over a weeks time or so the fish will get used to it at a gradual level rather then lowering it quickly. But back to your original question, say you lower your salinity to 1.015 or something like that, for s short period of time it wont effect the fish, but if you do that...
  12. tonga

    lookdown fish

    they get very big, they are a very deep water fish, they will only survive if they are in schools, so i'm guessing you would need over a 8,000G tank to house them.. and yes, if you do house them, you need to dedicate a aquarium to them they are species only. Better off left in the ocean, imo. [...
  13. tonga

    fish pics!!

    the niger,humu,and clown may work if you introduce them in that order, but forget about the undulated.
  14. tonga

    Need suggestions for my new 72G tank!

    no, base rock will indeed become LIVE once it is seeded from fresh live rock, takes a few months usually.
  15. tonga

    fish pics!!

    what size is that tank?? and I really suggest you take that undulated out of there, or you will wake up to a tankful of dead fish. The basic rule of buying a undulated if you plan on putting it in with other fish (espicialy triggers) is too buy the smallest one you can find and hope for the...
  16. tonga

    fish pics!!

    what size is that tank?? and I really suggest you take that undulated out of there, or you will wake up to a tankful of dead fish. The basic rule of buying a undulated if you plan on putting it in with other fish (espicialy triggers) is too buy the smallest one you can find and hope for the...
  17. tonga

    Why Niger trigger?

    I'm not saying weather I agree or disagree with this (I dont want any flame wars) but I recently read a article that said the "jewfish" was getting a name change due to it's name.
  18. tonga

    what about an OCTUPUS???

    you just 'wowd' me with your collection of tanks, i'm jealous :cool:
  19. tonga

    what about an OCTUPUS???

    wow! would you look at all those tanks puffer has! :D ok on the octo note: they will escape through almost any opening, they don't live long (like 2yrs max), if they get nervous or feel threatend they will ink the tank (similar to the way a boxfish will release it's toxins in the water) the...
  20. tonga


    sounds like a short branching goniopoura, I dont have the scientific name handy but in my expierence they seem to be harder to keep then the traditional gonios` .. it needs strong current and INTENSE light to thrive, I also would feed it baby brine shrimp with a turkey baster mixed in with some...