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  1. griffindad

    UV plumbing help please

    A 5/8" tube will fit on a 3/4" fitting. Before putting it on, stick the end of the tube in hot water for a couple of mintues to soften the tubing.
  2. griffindad

    2 Questions for semi-new tank....

    I have a 112 gal tank and started with a combination of LR and Base Rock purchased from a LFS. I recently added about 60 pounds of lava rock I picked up for free at a local volcano. It has been in my tank now for a month and so far there has been no change to my tank. My fish are all happy and...
  3. griffindad

    Mixing Dwarf & Large Angles

    Actually it is 5 ft long. The difference between 112 & 125 is only about 10%. I would not call that a huge difference.
  4. griffindad

    Mixing Dwarf & Large Angles

    The difference between 112 & 125 does not seem like very much difference. If they are OK at 125 do you really think there will be a problem at 112?
  5. griffindad

    Mixing Dwarf & Large Angles

    I know in general you should not have more than one Angle in a tank. But are Dwarf Angles and Large Angles different enough to mix together? I have a 112 gal. FOWLR tank.
  6. griffindad

    White Spots in Tank

    No, they are not spiral, they are round bumps. They are showing up inside my filter as well as the inside of the tank, so I would not think they are eggs.
  7. griffindad

    White Spots in Tank

    I'm getting white spots showing up all over the inside of my tank. They are pretty hard and need to be scrapped off. Does anyone know what they are?
  8. griffindad

    Dwarf Angles

    I have a 40 gallon FOWLR tank. I tried adding a Coral Beauty Angles in with my Pygmy Angle and it keeps chasing the Pygmy. Do they eventually get used to each other, or will the Pygmy eventually get tired and die? Can you put any Dwarf Angles together?
  9. griffindad

    Hyposalinity make ich worse, fish is now bloated

    If the salinity needs to be at 1.009 and because there are some problems in measuring salinity acurately with some devices, how low can you go before it will hurt the fish. I have had my hydrometer calibrated and it seens to be +/- .001. Which means if I have to be at 1.009 my hydrometer may...
  10. griffindad

    Hyposalinity make ich worse, fish is now bloated

    My sons Angle fish also has Ick. We are currently doing hypo and the water is currently at 1.010 and there has been no improvement. I am concerned about going lower since the meter we have only goes to 1.010. Going lower we will be only guessing what the salinity is and I do not know how acurate...
  11. griffindad

    My fish keep dying & I do not know why

    I have bought fish from 3 different stores. It has made no difference. The Gramma seemed healthy when I first put him in. The heater is turned way down already. The tank is not near any windows. It is just picking up heat during the day from being in a hot house. During the winter, the temp was...
  12. griffindad

    My fish keep dying & I do not know why

    I have a 9 month old 40 gal. FOWLR tank. So far I have only been able to keep 2 fish (1 Marroon Clown & 1 Firefish) Everything else dies a few days after I put in my main tank. My last fatality was a Royal Gramma. On the first day he was fine. Swimming around & eating. Second day he was hiding...
  13. griffindad

    My Diy EuroReef

    Could someone please send me the plans? Thanks