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  1. motohead


    lucky for me i bought a orange linckia about a year ago and he is doing awesome.i got super lucky because i was unaware at the time of the acclimation procedure.i dripped him in over the space of an hour and a half.then of course i read the dire predictions of the resident seastar "expert" and...
  2. motohead

    Brought Home The Bigger Setup Today!!

    well.the tank looks great.the only thing that you can do away with is those silly dale earnhardt jr posters in the background.
  3. motohead

    I have got to stop buying

    man i am glad i passed the impulse buying stage a long time ago.easier on the wallet........
  4. motohead

    is a yellow tang ok for my tank?

    my yellow was very unhappy in my 55.the dude is very active and i can tell the difference in his behavior since put into my hundred one year ago.swims from one side to the other all day long.with various darts of speed thrown in my opinion,55 is too small.these fish love to swim.
  5. motohead

    how old is your oldest fish? poll...

    my yellow tang is the oldest i have.he is 2 yrs old.first fish i got after tank cycled.
  6. motohead

    Carpet Anemone is eating my fish!!! Help!!!

    like thomas said,it is not a murderer.that is what anemones do.they capture and eat fish.end of story.this reminds me of posts that i have seen that say they bought a volitans lion and do not understand where their shrimps and cute little clowns are disappearing would be well advised to...
  7. motohead

    Desperate Housewives

    i like las vegas on nbc mondays,awesome show.
  8. motohead

    New family member

    i will say that the sailfin does not look real happy in the pic with him and the naso.
  9. motohead

    for sale green hammer coral with free xenia in chicago area!

    nope.not bad at all i dont think.but the folks who run this site seem to have the unfounded notion that someone who sells a coral now and then is going to run them out of existence.which in itself is kinda sad,seeing as how i have more coral in my 100 gallon tank than they have in stock.look at...
  10. motohead

    for sale green hammer coral with free xenia in chicago area!

    I also expect a stern reprisal.
  11. motohead

    for sale green hammer coral with free xenia in chicago area!

    Let's see how long it takes Ophiura to delete this post out of existence.It is now 6:40 PM Central time.The date is the 28th of Sept.
  12. motohead

    ick!! tank wiped...

    i have heard and read that uv sterilizers also kill off beneficial things for reef tanks.
  13. motohead

    Help with feather dusters

    i would think it is dead.usually the animals you spoke of are scavengers.they will eat dead creatures.
  14. motohead

    Saturday AFTERNOON SIX PACKs and SHOTS.. Join the Party.

    vin,i dig the red shooms with the white stripe.what kind are they and where did you find em?
  15. motohead

    ick!! tank wiped...

    if the tank has no fish i hate to tell you but what you need to do is leave it that way for at least two months to be sure the ich is no longer there and perished.i believe that is the life cycle of ich in a fishless but true.maybe ask around,maybe a month and a half.if you put fish...
  16. motohead

    What do brittle stars eat?

    Originally Posted by ophiura All should be spot fed...several, including the green brittlestar, are possible predators. Spot feeding may not prevent this...but leaving them to scavenge sure might lead them to try. uh my question is what is a "possible" predator?aint no such thing as a...
  17. motohead

    Pics of Brain eating fish! Dang!

    me neither
  18. motohead

    Dallas Area LFS

    glad to is an awesome site.
  19. motohead

    I just bought a open green brain coral!!

    i do not add calcium.i drip kalkwasser once a week.i have targetfed it mysis but not too often.usually just let it get what it can get that is floatin around.
  20. motohead

    Dallas Area LFS

    lol.i just counted and they have 110 corals listed yet only 26 in stock.the rest you can put on a "wish list".frustrating indeed.