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  1. sparkles2

    Any seahorse experts out there?

    Since you've only had them for about two weeks they might still need time to adjust to new surroundings. All of mine took a few days to be comfortable enough to eat. If you think they are eating but aren't sure try giving them a generous amout of live brine shrimp.
  2. sparkles2

    sea horses

    Seahorses definately aren't difficult to care for at all. Just make they live by themselves and they have plenty of stuff to hang on to.
  3. sparkles2

    Any ideas??????

    :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: oKAY, I finally set up my 30g tank but have no idea how to decorate it. This tank is going to be a home for a family of four or five seahorses eventually(right now I have two in a different tank.) Any ideas as to what would look good?:cheer:
  4. sparkles2

    Hey seahorse keepers.....

    escape- I started out with 5 dwarf seahorses about 4 months before Hurricane Frances but they all died during that when my power was out for 10 days. I got a female about 3 months ago and recently added another female. They are in a 10 gallon with no live rock or anything right now but plenty...
  5. sparkles2

    Sea Babes

    Perfect. I just put mine into a 30.:)
  6. sparkles2

    Hey seahorse keepers.....

    You definately don't need even a 30g tank for seahorses. I keep my two in a 10 g and they're just fine. They really aren't as difficult to keep as everyone says they are. Just make sure their tank is clean and the temp stays between 78-82. :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish
  7. sparkles2

    Sea Babes

    How many seahorses are you interested in keeping? How big is the tank you're going to keep them in?
  8. sparkles2


    BTW- Thats Simone above. Sorry the pic is so bad. I took it on my phone. :)
  9. sparkles2


    Thanx for all your help! Taxi- She is a female Atlantic seahorse. I got her a few months ago when a friend of mine gave her to me. You don't really need to have a special set up- just make sure the water current from the return on your filter isn't too strong and that you have a place where you...
  10. sparkles2


    please? Anyone?:jumping:
  11. sparkles2


    Right now I have a female seahorse in a 10 gallon tank by herself. Soon I will be moving her to a larger tank and I was wondering if anyone could tell me wether I should try to find her a mate and a friend or if it would be better to keep her by herself? Any sugestions? :)