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  1. kaleysalen

    what IS this???

    well COOL then!! i thought maybe the were some sort of sponges [both of them] but only that long ones seems to be growing -but hey, as long as they aren't harmful!
  2. kaleysalen

    what IS this???

    ok - so i have my tank & live rock set up for a year or so now - I recently re-did my lighting and added an additional bulb [a blue actnic bulb] - ever since I put the actnic bulb in.. I have 2 different "THINGS" growing from my rock.... I have searched the internet and can't find anything...
  3. kaleysalen


    i had to go out of town on a business trip thurs night. When I left - my beautiful tank was FINE ! - friday afternoon when i got home i noticed my lemon peel angel & coral beauty angel were acting very funny...not to mention I couldn't even FIND my lunare wrasse. :( I put some food in the tank...
  4. kaleysalen

    white dots on tank?

    looked in the hitchhiker thread and didnt find any explinations. i'm goin to look up those worms..? so they are harmless right.... and yes i have fish in there - lemon peel angel, coral beauty angel, lunare wrasse and a damsel.
  5. kaleysalen

    white dots on tank?

    i recently noticed the growing amount of these tiny little white spots on my tank walls [mostly the back] - when looking - them closer they appear to be little tiny spirals??? anyone know what these is....??????
  6. kaleysalen

    algea growth

    haha.. i dont KNOW!!!! i listed the fish i have... and when reading about the fish.. it says they feed on algea.. it didnt say what type - that is why i posted this
  7. kaleysalen

    algea growth

    no - I want to grow the algea these fish feed on....?
  8. kaleysalen

    algea growth

    Hey Everyone - I'm wondering how to promote algea growth in my tank. I have about 50lbs of liverock in my tank and I recently was given 4 new fish - 1- striped damsel 1- coral beauty angel 1- lemon peel angel 1- lunare wrasse and they are all doing great! - They are eating the flake food good...
  9. kaleysalen

    can you identify my fish!!!

    haha.. thank you guys so much. i just LOVE this fish.... he is very entertaining!! when i come up to the tank - he comes right up and stares at me!!! :D
  10. kaleysalen

    can you identify my fish!!!

    I think that it IS a lemon peel angel. I looked up the picture and it seems to be the closest in resembelence!! thank you so much... oh and yes there is PLENTY live rock for it :]
  11. kaleysalen

    can you identify my fish!!!

    one of my dads friends was getting rid of his fish - so I took them off his hand. However, there is just one fish I'm not sure about. Off hand I thought it was a Yellow Tang but now in comparing pictures - it doesnt look like it. Can anyone help!!??? sorry they arent the clearest.. but...
  12. kaleysalen

    cloudy water!??!

    hey guys. I think I need some help...... my 55g hex tank has been up and running for a few months..... right now I have a scooter blenny, yellow tailed damsel, 4 astrea snails, 12 blue legged hermit crabs, and a peppermint shrimp - also live rock and live sand. for filtration I have the standard...
  13. kaleysalen

    looking in MD/VA/DC

    hey everyone...... well..... my new tank is cycled!! YAAYY!! and ready for new creatures!! I added a damsel yesterday.. and so far so good.. he was even swimming around and eating this morning!! anyway.... I'm lookin for a few corals to put in the tank..... something easy like perhaps a Leather...
  14. kaleysalen

    powerhead 601 HELP!!!

    no reason really... I was at the beach and thought since I was there I would collect some sand! I haven't put anything in the tank yet so I didn't think it would harm! All kinds of creatures made it back though.. even a sand crab! haha! I took the power head apart as much as I could and ran...
  15. kaleysalen

    powerhead 601 HELP!!!

    hey guys.... need some help! I went to the beach this weekend and while I was there - I got some sand to put in my new tank. So.... get home... get all the sand into my tank and let it settle over night.. I wake up this morning.. and my powerhead just isn't working do you think while pouring...
  16. kaleysalen

    wanted in maryland

    I believe its a 35 - but I'm not 100% sure... only because I bought the tank from someone.. and the 35g hex's in the store look much smaller than mine.......!? I can look tonight and find out what size light is in my hood now!?
  17. kaleysalen

    wanted in maryland

    i have a hex tank.. w/ the hood already.. so i just need the light.
  18. kaleysalen

    need lots of help!!!

    thank you guys.... im going to buy a shrimp and put it in.. I wasnt aware of the cycle process really... I knew it had to cycle.. but wasnt exactly too sure if I had already done it or what. Glad I asked...... !!!!!! I'm sure i'll have more questions in a little while!!!!
  19. kaleysalen

    wanted in maryland

    i just set up a new tank and would like anything you've got to offer thats CHEAP! :) anenomes fish corals inverts power head (i need an extra) lighting protein skimmer anything CHEAP i'll take! and ill come pick up!!!!!!!
  20. kaleysalen

    2 Anenomie 2 clown fish and lighting for sale in MD

    still have those clowns and the anenome?