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  1. paulnlex

    sand sifting crab?

    cool anyone else with info on them? how about tank size or anything like that rocks? we have them here in NJ but i dont think they would last in my tank cause they are in cold water? am i wrong? thanks alot Paulnlex
  2. paulnlex

    sand sifting crab?

  3. paulnlex

    sand sifting crab?

    Does anyone have any experince with sand sifting crabs? can anyone give me some info on them? I was looking at them and was thinking about getting one but thought i should get some info first. Thanks Paulnlex
  4. paulnlex

    Who here has a Clarki Clown????

    I dont know what it is exactly, but our clarkii does the sand thing alllll the time.
  5. paulnlex

    2 Questions

    Also is it ok to turn the lights of during the night? The anemone tucked itself in all weirdly...
  6. paulnlex

    2 Questions

    Thanks for your help
  7. paulnlex

    2 Questions

    Is it possible to have a black and white perc clown with a clarkii clownfish? Also, we just got an anemone yesterday. We fed it a piece of shrimp and this morning it basically threw the whole thing up or something? I dont know. Is this normal?
  8. paulnlex


    No, they don't. Im still in highschool, always busy with that and practices, etc , never able to teach them. One mimics kissing noises, and sometimes other animals' noises but thats about it, and he only does it when hes in a really good mood (meaning close to never)
  9. paulnlex


    I have 7 birds. When you put their cage higher up than you are tall, they will think they are superior to you. Always have their cages below eye level. I made this mistake and put my 2 parrotlets up high, now they beat me up nonstop, never shut up, and are just plain nasty. My other birds who...
  10. paulnlex

    bonus ?

    Originally posted by Mukiwa You want to send a valuable object to a friend. You have a box which is more than large enough to contain the object. You have several locks with keys. The box has a locking ring which is more than large enough to have a lock attached. But your friend does not have...
  11. paulnlex

    Help Me Name The New Family Member...

    AHhhhhhh creepy creepy creepy the pictures alone scared me.
  12. paulnlex

    How to treat HLLE?

    Its getting worse, still no idea what to do, the seawood isnt getting eaten.
  13. paulnlex

    Lighting for an anemone

  14. paulnlex

    How to treat HLLE?

    Any help? Please?
  15. paulnlex

    Lighting for an anemone

    Anything on the cheaper side?
  16. paulnlex

    How to treat HLLE?

    Our tang has HLLE and we have been looking up how to treat it without many results. We put seawood salad in there but it seems to scare the fish more than appeal to them. We tried putting in it numerous places, currently, it is sunken at the bottom, yet the seawood is still moving in the current...
  17. paulnlex

    Lighting for an anemone

    The height is 24'' and the width is 22'' point to point How much is it for a light that is strong enough for our tank? Can you point us in the right direction, thanks. - Paul and Alexis
  18. paulnlex

    Lighting for an anemone

    We have a 35 gallon hex. tank. How much lighting do we need for an anemone. We have a clarkii clown, a firefish, snails and hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, and a cbs. Is it ok to have an anemone and which would be the best to get? We were looking at the bta.
  19. paulnlex

    blue tang

    How can i get rid of HLLE cause it looks like it alot but its not as bad ? Thanks for your help Paul
  20. paulnlex

    blue tang

    Sorry about that. Tang eats fine and swims fine. He has a light pink color under the eye and under side of fish. Nitrate is 40 everything else is good. I have tryed to get the nitrate down by doing water changes. tank has been running for about 4 months now. Paul