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  1. masala4080

    just bought nanocube 12 gal DX........

    Check out the Hydor Flo. I think it is one of the best investments you can make. It just creates a current in the tank. Do a little bit of research.
  2. masala4080

    My 12 Gallon NanoCube DX with Pics

    Whenever I see a fish that I want more than a coral. For some reason I like the corals and dont really care about the fish as much. Ill probably be getting just 1 more fish. im thinking a purple firefish, or a clown..To replace the one that somehow went missing. :notsure:
  3. masala4080

    My 12 Gallon NanoCube DX with Pics

    It does fine for the most part. The water in the back just lowers a little. Not too much though.
  4. masala4080

    My 12 Gallon NanoCube DX with Pics

    Thanks for your comments! Devaji108- I am using the standard stock lighting on the tank.... 2, 24 watt 50/50 PC bulbs. Although I plan on adding another one soon for a little more lighting and growth. For the pump I replaced the stock with a Maxi-Jet 900. I couldnt be more happier with the Hydor...
  5. masala4080

    My 12 Gallon NanoCube DX with Pics

    Thanks. Yep. Just a Clown Jester Goby. Soon I will probably be getting another smaller fish. Still not shure what yet though.
  6. masala4080

    My 12 Gallon NanoCube DX with Pics

    The tank has been set up for around 4 or 5 months now. There is only a Clown Jester Goby in there right now who is pretty shy and hides a lot. Of course its a work in project and Im planning on adding a bunch of more corals. I did some mods to the tank itself. These include installing a bigger...
  7. masala4080

    adding a 24w PC retro to my JBJ 12 DX

    I caved in and just ordered 1 x 24w PC Retro Kit for my JBJ 12 DX. To have a total of 72 watts. I believe this setup doesnt come with wired or anything, so I am in need for some serious help. I was just wondering if it is hard to install or if any serious changes are gunna have to be made to my...
  8. masala4080

    Free pulsing Xenias:Seattle

    I would also take some if you shipped. Just throw some in a thermous and your all set. I would pay for thermous and shipping. Let me know. Thanks!
  9. masala4080

    Too much flow for my lil fish?

    Im not too worried about it any more. Seems like he is doing great.
  10. masala4080

    Too much flow for my lil fish?

    JeremyGlen - Thats a great way to put it. When I went snorkiling in Mulikini (underwater valcano off the island of Maui) the current was pretty strong. You would look and see the fish fly along without even swimming. Man.. if I get this worried about a fish, imagine how I will be with kids.
  11. masala4080

    Too much flow for my lil fish?

    Alrighty! Thanks guys.
  12. masala4080

    Too much flow for my lil fish?

    I have a 12 gal JBJ delux nano tank. I did a few mods.. Took out the stock pump and put in a maxi-jet 900 as well as put a Hydor FLO on there for the output. Right now I have about a 2 inch percula clown in there. Everywhere that the little guy swims it seems like he is fighting a strong...
  13. masala4080

    surface scum

    definitly check out bobs surface skimmer. I have one and it works great.
  14. masala4080

    Starting my 12g JBJ deluxe

    - Once I get the tank, most obviously I will need both live rock and sand....what type of live rock (Ive seen Fiji, Fiji Premium, Tonga, etc. on the net) and sand should I get? Any live rock will do and all holds bacteria which is what you are looking for. The main difference is just where the...
  15. masala4080

    Anyone have one of these tanks?

    I got the deluxe 12 gallon a few days ago and its going through the cycle right now. Its definitly a great little tank. I took out the stock pump and replaced it with a maxi-jet 900 and put a hydor flo on it. The deluxe is definitly worth the extra money.
  16. masala4080

    Buying Music Online

    lol.. man. That was harsh. I have iTunes and it rocks. Not only can you listen to music but you can buy music, listen to internet radio stations, create your own playlists, as well as burn cds and a crap load more. Definitly check it out.
  17. masala4080

    Millmod Nanocube surface skimmer v1.1

    cant wait to get mine. Should be comming soon!
  18. masala4080

    pics of my 20 gallon nano

    to me it looks like a type of rock anemone. I could be wrong though.
  19. masala4080

    Millmod Nanocube surface skimmer v1.1

    where can I get one of these? I am very interested. My email is Thank you very much!
  20. masala4080

    What do you do for a job and how long to teach someone that job.

    Since im only 17 I work at a pet store. It takes about 2 weeks to learn how to do everything, but I learn something everyday. People are so crazy about their pets you pretty much you have to know tons about everything.