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  1. aggies50

    My Clam Died!!!!

    I was thinking that something ate it as well, however I haven't seen anything. There is nothing to smell cause the clam itself is gone except for the outer shell. Oh well! I guess i'll just have to keep an eye out for something that could have eaten it.
  2. aggies50

    My Clam Died!!!!

    So I came home from work tonight to find my clam dead. The shell is still there and all but the rest of the clam is m.i.a. It has been open and healthy up till tonight and my water peramiters have all been great. My acros all have full polyp extention and are growing. I have no idea what...
  3. aggies50

    Chaeto in Protein Skimmer

    So i have an aqua c remora and was wondering if I would be able to place some chaeto in the return area of the filter box. I have a metal halide light hanging over my tank and the light does shine into the box so if I did put some in there than it would get light. Here is a picture of what the...
  4. aggies50

    Fogged Eye

    alright I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. Are there any other suggestions?
  5. aggies50

    Fogged Eye

    All my water readings are great. I did get the fish one week before this showed up. Here are the pictures. Sorry they are so crappy. I hope you can see it. I read that it might be pop eye and that usually it will go away with a water change. So I did a 5 gallon water change on the 29 gallon tank...
  6. aggies50

    Fogged Eye

    So my flame angels right eye is all fogged up. I think there might be some type of parasite attached to it. What do I do to get rid of it?
  7. aggies50

    My peppermint shrimp ate my hammer coral!!!

    I feed my fish everyday and the peppermint come out to grab the leftovers. So they can't be that hungry. I just looked up what that worm looks like... it looks nasty. Haha! Ido have moon lights, but I haven't seen anything like that in the tank. But I will keep a look out for it. Honestly I may...
  8. aggies50

    My peppermint shrimp ate my hammer coral!!!

    they are definitely not camelback shrimp.
  9. aggies50

    My peppermint shrimp ate my hammer coral!!!

    its the top one
  10. aggies50

    My peppermint shrimp ate my hammer coral!!!

    Ok I know a bunch of yall are gonna say "peppermint shrimp dont eat corals" well thats what I thought. Until today.... I just set up a 29 gallon nano thats been up for about 2 months. On one of the rocks I had some aiptasia. So I got two peppermint shrimp hoping they would eat them. Well sure...
  11. aggies50

    My peppermint shrimp ate my hammer coral!!!

    Ok I know a bunch of yall are gonna say "peppermint shrimp dont eat corals" well thats what I thought. Until today.... I just set up a 29 gallon nano thats been up for about 2 months. On one of the rocks I had some aiptasia. So I got two peppermint shrimp hoping they would eat them. Well sure...
  12. aggies50

    My peppermint shrimp ate my hammer coral!!!

    Ok I know a bunch of yall are gonna say "peppermint shrimp dont eat corals" well thats what I thought. Until today.... I just set up a 29 gallon nano thats been up for about 2 months. On one of the rocks I had some aiptasia. So I got two peppermint shrimp hoping they would eat them. Well sure...
  13. aggies50

    Whooohoooo!!!! New 29g Nano

    Hey guys I just got done setting up my new 29 gallon nano and am extremely excited! I had a 10 gallon about 6 years ago but had to get rid of it cause of college. But I'm back! Equipment list:29g Tank 30lbs of live sand 30lbs of live rock Aqua C Ramora Protein Skimmer Sunlight Supply 150w HQI MH...
  14. aggies50

    AHHH!!!! So many lighting options!

    hmmm... I'll keep that in mind. Thanks! I've read a lot of great stuff on here about the tek t5 lighting. Would I be able to get the 24" fixture and suspend it over my tank? Or would there be dead spots in the tank?
  15. aggies50

    AHHH!!!! So many lighting options!

    see I was thinking about that sundial however I think they discontinued that size.
  16. aggies50

    AHHH!!!! So many lighting options!

    Hey guys I'm in the process of setting up a 29 gallon nano tank. I'm at a loss for what light i can get. I want to keep SPS corals, and I know for that I'm gonna need either a MH or a T5 lights, however I'm worried about the heating issues with a MH. What kind of T5 lighting systems would yall...
  17. aggies50

    Too much lighting?

    Hey guys I'm coming back to the hobby after 5 years and am setting up a 29 gal nano. I was thinking about getting the Sunlight Supply 150 watt HQI MH pendant and was wondering if thats too much. Will I have heating issues? Thanks
  18. aggies50

    Acans in PC's?

    I used to have an acan in my 10 gallon nano under pc lighting. It grew great in my tank, but I also was pushing 9 watts a gallon if I remember correctly. So I guess it depends on your wattage.
  19. aggies50

    New Tank

    Hey guys I'm in the process of setting up a new 29g reef tank. I've been away from the hobby for about 5 years and am wanting to get back to it cause I loved it so much. Here is what I plan on running (tell me if it works, or if I'm missing anything) 100 watt heater thermometer 2x Koralia 1...
  20. aggies50

    Screwing Moon lights into MH Reflector

    yeah thats what I was thinking. Hmmm.... I guess I'll just have to find some other way. Thanks