My Clam Died!!!!


So I came home from work tonight to find my clam dead. The shell is still there and all but the rest of the clam is m.i.a. It has been open and healthy up till tonight and my water peramiters have all been great. My acros all have full polyp extention and are growing. I have no idea what happened. I'll do some water test tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member

Sorry to hear....
Could you have something in the tank that may have eaten it? Critters often give some indication they are ready to die, not just all of a sudden go. It happens I know, but


I was thinking that something ate it as well, however I haven't seen anything. There is nothing to smell cause the clam itself is gone except for the outer shell. Oh well! I guess i'll just have to keep an eye out for something that could have eaten it.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Sounds like they are keeping their eyes out for you Joe!!!
Build a hundred bridges do they call me a bridge builder ? Nooooooooooo Eat a few clams and all of a sudden I am a clam eater