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  1. bigsteam

    Adding Bangaii Cardinals

    I have a 2 year old 150 gal tall reef tank with mostly soft corals and the following fish: Yellow tang Percula clown Lawnmower blennie Pseudochromis I am thinking about adding some additional fish particularly a Bangaii Cardinal. Some of my research says since Cardinals like to school, you...
  2. bigsteam

    CurrentSea wavemaker

    I too, was looking for a reasonable priced wavemaker and read this thread. I took your advice and purchased a Chauvet SF-4005 off the famous website. I am running 4 powerheads in a 150 gal tall reef tank. My problem is the fastest timed mode is 1 minute 45 seconds and the slowest chase mode...
  3. bigsteam

    attempting sponge

    I have a red ball sponge that has been in my 150 gal tall reef since July, 05. Got it on the Internet. Very colorful and about the size of a racket ball. I first placed it on the sand bottom in sort of a cave in the live rock. It would develop sort of a crust that was probably bottom...
  4. bigsteam

    Salt Mix

    Drew: I'm in the same camp as "escape2thewater". Why have you decided to change from Red Sea? Just wondering what I have been missing.
  5. bigsteam


    I only found 2 of the 4 dead fish. Both were complete bodies. Looked almost as though they were axphiated or poisoned. I personally tend to believe some sort of bacterial infection. Pumps and powerheads are working fine so plenty of O2. Live rock in tank is original. Never found the other...
  6. bigsteam


    For the second time in 6 months I have experienced a mysterious fish kill in my 150 gal tall reef tank. Tank is 1.5 years old with a 25 gal fuge and sump. Mixture of corals, inverts and fish. 20 per cent water change 3 weeks ago. I consistently use Red Sea salt. Last week the Fairy Wrasse...
  7. bigsteam

    Feather Dusters

    I have two in my year old 150 gal reef. One was placed right after the tank cycled. Second about 6 months ago because it was on sale and an impulse buy. Both are very robust. I feed a combo of DT's and Cyclopeeze twice a week to the entire tank.
  8. bigsteam

    cleaner clams

    Doesn't sound good for the one not moving. I would suggest you remove the non-mover to a small clean bowl of tank water. Make sure you don't bring along any sand or detrius. Leave the clam alone for a hour or so. If he "spits" out crud as evidenced by crud in the bowl, then he is alive. No...
  9. bigsteam

    Sick Devil's Hand?

    My 8 month old Devil's Hand started changing color from the nice, rich tan to a darker almost brown black. Noticable color change in 2 days. Fingers not as erect as normal. 6 month old frag nearby doing fine. Both are near bottom of tank and in good water flow. 150 gal plus 30 gal fuge...
  10. bigsteam

    Freeze-Dried Copepods

    I have been using the freeze dried version for 2-3 months. Originally because it was all the LFS had available. I have subsequently found it is considerably cheaper than the frozen. I paid $11.00 for a 30 gram can. Let it hydrate in aquarium water 10-15 minutes before feeding. Is it better...
  11. bigsteam

    Freeze-Dried Copepods

    I have been using the freeze dried Cyclop-eeze for about 2 months in my 7 month old 150 gal reef. I feed twice a week along with a capful of DT's phytoplankton. I was convinced by the LFS it was the right thing to do. So far, so good but IMHO too soon to give a big time endorsement. Micro...
  12. bigsteam

    Broken Devil's Hand

    Three days ago I added a medium size Devil's Hand to my 150 gal reef. One of the fingers of the hand either broke in shipment or by a fish brushing against it. It is just hanging by a thread. Broken part appears healed or healing on both sides of the break. my question is should I remove the...
  13. bigsteam

    Explain where your user name originated

    Years ago in the Navy, I was the Chief Engineer on a steam powered ship. One of the Chief Petty Officer's gave me the nickname because I was the head guy for the largest department on the ship. It just stuck.