Search results

  1. lexus9903

    Purple Nudibranch

    Are there any nidibranchs that are easy/ok to keep? My husband wants one badly and they sell them up here but I dont trust what the LFS guys say...:notsure:
  2. lexus9903

    what is a good brand of UV sterilizer?

    Agreed.. We run the Coralife Turbotwist on our tank and it seems to do an awesome job. No complaints on it yet! They are also relativly inexpensive as far as UV's go! The design of the "twist" allows the wateer to get full circulted through and to reamin in longer for a more through cleaning.
  3. lexus9903

    New fish/ inverts for beginners???

    Clownfish wise I would probally avoid a maroon clown. They have a tendancy to be aggressive towards other fish, anemones (to eager to be in them and rough) and also with you when you go to clean the tank! ;-) Depending on your tank size, certain tangs can be good beginning fish. I would avoid...
  4. lexus9903

    im so new to salt water

    Dont be jealous! Id trade with ya! From FL originally so Hawaii is more my style lexi
  5. lexus9903

    Newbie nervous about crabs

    The little blue legs do nicely too. Just make sure you give them all lots of shells. Thats where most people run into the problem of them being aggressive and killing other crabs and snails.
  6. lexus9903

    im so new to salt water

    I would put on a small protein skimmer or at least a skilter filter. That will at least give you a little skimmng bennefit. I would do 2 sm/med sized pawerheads on at each side of the tank to simulate ocean flows. You dont want to go with just 1 powerhead otherwise youll be creating a riverlike...
  7. lexus9903

    what should i do next?

    Your next purchase should be your lighting so that you don't loose the anemone. Suplpment feedings to the anemone would help out as well. They particularly like mysis shrimp. Just thaw frozen shrimp in water from the tank, suck some up in a syringe and squirt it in the tentacles. You need to...
  8. lexus9903

    octopus tank?

    I wouldnt want to try it! Octopus are extremly smart and can fit through darn near any sized opening! We used to have one at a lfs I worked at in Florida. We had to put a cinder block on top of the tank because he could open the lid. They can also fit through holes of less than an inch. The tank...
  9. lexus9903

    A real noobie

    I would make some changes to the fish selection you have chose. First off anthias are schooling fish. Without a school, they stress and hide. 9 chances out of 10 you wont ever see him because he'll be hiding behind the rocks. They are als active swimmers in a school so they would need a tank of...
  10. lexus9903

    caught the shrimp with the trap

    When getting shrimp, do your research. The peppermint shrimp and the camel back shrimp look a lot alike. There are a couple LFS that were selling the camels as the peppermint and telling a binch of people how wonderful and reefsafe they were. A lot of times, when people's "peppermint" tears up...
  11. lexus9903

    Looking to buy Metal Halides!!!!!!!

    ANyone have any metal halide fixtures that they want to sell? If so please email info on them and the asking price.. Also, I lve in Alaska so you'd probally have to be willing to ship! :D Email if you have some stuff!
  12. lexus9903


    In AKWhats up??
  13. lexus9903

    Any Folks from Alaska???

    Any other Alaskans out there???? :thinking:
  14. lexus9903

    meat of the gods...

    The true meat of the Gods is MOOSE! Healthiest for you with none of that steroid pumped up crap they give the cows. Anyone have a chance to get some moose meat, do it!!!! Also, one moose, will feed a family all the steaks, burger,jerky etc that they need for a year! Can't beat that with a...
  15. lexus9903

    does anyone here....

    No way! Im from Alaska, and surprisingly, there are a lot of bums here! Alaska also has one of the best homless programs in the US. Also, theres no excuse to be hungry in this state either! One moose a year feeds my family for a year all the steaks and ground meat, jerky etc that we need. Not to...
  16. lexus9903

    Income Tax headache

    If you go to IRS.GOV you can choose a program to do your taxes for free. My husband and I chose Turbo tax, and it lists every deduction the IRS offers, how to get it etc. It also has an explination for the questions. We did our taxes in like an hour, and found out about a ton of deductions that...
  17. lexus9903

    Mandarin question

    Reeflower, The Marine Aquarium Annual magazine had a good article on mandarin fish. Would be worth it to get it and read up on it so then you can plan your next larger tank around your "dream fish" and know that you did it right from the start. Also, kudos for passing up the fish! They are...
  18. lexus9903

    Cleaner Shrimp Breeding

    We have 2 cleaner shrimp in our 55 gal reef tank. For probally about the past 2 weeks weve noticed that they both had a belly full of eggs. They seemed to tend to them by flipping them and such ever since we noticed this. However, last night, one of the shrimp released about 200+ baby shrimp...
  19. lexus9903

    Cleaner Shrimp Breeding

    We have 2 cleaner shrimp in our 55 gal reef tank. For probally about the past 2 weeks weve noticed that they both had a belly full of eggs. They seemed to tend to them by flipping them and such ever since we noticed this. However, last night, one of the shrimp released about 200+ baby shrimp...
  20. lexus9903

    90Gallon Tall For sale in Alaska!

    Selling a 90 gallon tall aquarium in Wasilla Alaska (about 1 hour north of Anchorage) Tank is for PIck up only. Comes with a stand and a hood. Asking $400 OBO but will consider partial trade on a larger tank. Tank must go! call 907.373.7370 or Email if you are interested...