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  1. oscarfish

    Water Dechlorination

    Thanks for the info. I do use the Dechlorinator right now but at 5 bucks a bottle and 6 tanks to use it in, it gets rather expensive. Thanks for the input, I'll call my water company and find out which one they are using.
  2. oscarfish

    Water Dechlorination

    Hiya guys me again. I saw somewhere (not sure if it was on this board or not) that you can dechlorinate your water by putting it in buckets and letting the chlorine evaporate so to speak. Is this true and does it work on just chlorine or does it work on chloramine too. Not sure which our water...
  3. oscarfish

    I got Babies

    Yeah I have a seperate tank for the Babies, Keep the Parents away from the kids or they will kill them lololol
  4. oscarfish

    I got Babies

    Yeeehaaaa, After buying 6 Black mollies earlier this week for feeders for my Grouch (toadfish) I woke up this morning and found 7 babies in the feeder tank. Wooohoooo. Now all I have to do is pop out a few more and then that 2.50 a peice feeder fish won't be happening. The LFS wouldn't cut me...
  5. oscarfish

    Whats in your tank???

    Sorry all I have is a toadfish right now that the pet store told me was freshwater and turns out they are saltwater. Once my tank cycles and he is ok then I will be getting more.
  6. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    Here are some pics of him in the freshwater tank the same day I got him. Still not sure what the white spot on his head is, it looks as if there is no skin there and of course the pet store says it will go away eventually.
  7. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    Actually there isn't a lot of food around in his tank. I removed the stuff he wouldn't eat and the only other thing in there now is 3 Mollies, he ate the rest. Doesn't seem interested in the silver mollies though just the black ones. Right now I am pricing 20L aquariums to use as a saltwater...
  8. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    The 29 Gallon is sitting at about 1ppm amonia, The tank hasn't cycled yet as it is only a couple days old but I am watching it and him closely. I am a disabled vet so all I have time to do is watch the tanks. I am keeping a very close eye on the tank. Our local water supply when tested only...
  9. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    Uh yeah a breeder tank especially, in the span of two hours he ate 3 of the 6 black female mollies (we picked up 2 more tonite at ***** while we were there) Breeder tank it will have to be lol
  10. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    Thanks for helping out. I was sure I would have to end up buying another 600.00 worth of stuff to save this fish, which by the way is doing nicely and has already eaten one of the Femal mollies I got. He won't touch the frozen krill or Frozen Silverslides though. I picked up 4 female black...
  11. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    For now a 29 Gallon tank with Crushed Coral for a substrate. Thats just until we can afford the 150 gallon tank in May, then we'll do that one in saltawater.
  12. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    Hiya Unleashed, Looks like we both found the same website for information on the toadfish. I remember that one because of the NASA study. Thanks also for the Mollie suggestion. I am up to aclimating him right now to about 20 ppt salinity. I figure I will wait another 24 hours or so before going...
  13. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    Hiya, Thanks for all the tips guys. I am aclimating him right now slowly and he is doing fine now, his color has already started to return and he is more active again. Although they are not very active fish to begin with but he seems much much happier now. I am hoping I got him in the saltwater...
  14. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    Well I am hoping to save him. I have been very lucky with him so far and he seems ok today after being in for 24 hours. What other types of cheap saltwater feeders are available as he is a bottom feeder and the only krill available here is the freeze dried stuff that floats. He needs either...
  15. oscarfish

    Need Saltwater Tank Help

    Hiya all newcomer here with some desperate questions. I currently own an Oyster Toadfish Named Grouch and when I bought him/her the pet store had no clue as to what he was and I didn't either till I got him/her home and snapped some pics to share online to get some help as to what it was. Well...